
Saturday 31 October 2015

Hologram In Fog

Tales of the Spaceways
by snakeappletree

Hologram In Fog

It is snowing outside her place. Cold, old stone buildings had always seemed a barrier to her from the living street, network heart of the city. Space above her head, even frozen icy air such as tonight's autumn-into-winter season. Snow dampened the smog and so she had her breather open at the mouth, her breath blending with the mist surrounding her through which dark strangers loomed in the shape of medieval architecture. 

Holograms flash-fused into the moisture. She felt it, shockwaves flowing through her senses much as the tiny particulate water carried its own currents through the air, connecting with her emotions. She flowed on it, a muted feeling where she was at once comforted and alarmed by crisp coldness and ultimate mutability, softening and sharpening her senses in ways she was not used to. 

Her lifestyle, dry, heated, digital, eyes bedazzled by very focussed light streams, entering her brain, overiding hypnotically her senses, her emotions flowing with this, reptilian, mathematical grids holding her brains water content to crystaline helix, changing her, developing synapses to make connections never made before several generations of human computer users. 

Being older she still preferred the flatscreen to the holo-displays. Here in the mist, they took on their own element, a moment perfected, in balance, a harmony of nature and technology. 

She sighed. 

Temperature dropping rapidly; need to be shut in with a ceiling overhead and heaters, increasing.

This is planet Earth, she reminded herself. Exotic and overpowering. Of all the places she had visited, returning to her home town on her home world was perhaps the most alien and wonderful experience of them all. 


I don't really know why this is a part of TotSW. 
It just, is. 
Writing about the venomous vapours of Venus, storm winds of Neptune and the Dragonsmoke of Deimos, seems less romantic. Earth is gentle. Even when she is killing us; and perhaps then at her most exquisite.

©2015 snakeappletree

Dolaucothi Gold

The temple of stars is amazing.

It is not a natural cave; it is a mine, made by Victorians, using child and adult labour; people who only one hundred years ago saw one day sunlight in a week, working in terrible and dangerous conditions. A child would hold a metal spike taller than himself, while an adult hammered it with a sledgehammer. They did this by the light of one candle. The rock is shale, containing quartz, which contains trace elements of fools gold (iron pyrite) and a tiny amount of gold. Where water has found its way through cracks over the millennia and into the quartz, cavities which grow naturally and where volcanic gas which has been released into fissures in the shale, where the quartz has grown over millennia; here the quartz is discoloured with orange, the rust from the iron. Little flecks of pyrite and occasionally gold, find their way down stream. I imagine the original discoverer found a heap of the stuff along the edges of a spring stream meandering through the forest. 

After a day of hammering into the rock, dynamite was placed inside the hole. All of these were exploded after everyone had left the mine for the night, long tapers lit from a distance. That night, the dust settled inside the mine and the next day, instead of making holes, everyone would load the rubble into metal train carts, push them - a ton of metal and a ton of rock - outside the mine so it could be panned using troughs of water. The whole site is in a sunken valley because the romans heard from the stone age tribes that there was gold here, and they stripped the mountain down into a pit. This is the working theory until in 2010 a French team of archeologists discovered antler scrapings inside one of the mines, which means that not all of the mines were made by Victorians using dynamite or Romans using the slower method of heating and cooling the rock with fires and water until it cracked from the quick change in temperature; thus burning up all the local forests. 

A lot of what is called ‘indigenous British woodland’ is all around the region now including surrounding the mining camp. It is now made of a few corrugated tin buildings from world war two housing the visitor center and Victorian machines. It is crazy seeing these machines, painted with thick layers of rustproof paint the same as the sheds, but still operable using hand crafted components. The age of industry which seems ridiculous considering that we now know how to make free energy devices, although mostly everyone is still using the civic grids because all of that can be capitalized on very easily. 

For ten tons of rock, there is one ton of quartz - and from all of that, the average was enough gold to make 1 ring. It is now regarded as insanity by most people because the energy spent to get something which has only the value we assign to it, which is a lot of money to the rich, a lot of respect from energy healers, and not really very much at all by any of the people whose lives were dedicated to getting the stuff for their bosses to sell. 

The temple of stars is what has happened since the mines were re-opened and then closed again a hundred years ago. What happens inside the cave, is water comes down through tiny fissures in the rock and a curious life form i can’t remember the latin word for it, a hybrid between lichen and moss, grows. It covers the ceiling not only with a pale green creamy softness, in paths between the dark rock; but it also extracts and collects the fools gold, perhaps even the real gold, on its tips where their weight brings them to dangle off the plant, but they stick too well for the water to knock them off when it eventually drips down. After at least a hundred years, there are only a few patches of it growing. To touch it with your fingertips destroys it instantly, it takes many human lifetimes to create even the temple of stars as it is. Beneath it, with a dozen visitors shining miner helmets up onto it, with heavy lights on top of their heads; the gold reflects against the light, through the water; and because every sparkle of it glows, the stone looks pitch black even against the lights. It is really beautiful, and it does not come out very well at all on camera. I did not have my camera with me :(

For me, the most exciting thing of all was, while staring at the ceiling, tasting the drip of water which inevitably found its way onto my lips, into my mouth open in amazement, feeling the ancientness of the whole place - i am still integrating cave-man mentality, the hardness and oldness of stone, the experience is shamanic, going below the earth, into the mother. I saw three tiny worms clinging to the ceiling. The largest was a cm long. They are white but translucent, i guess they are parasites of some type. Their bodies contained two tubes, not quite from top to bottom of each worm, which were light brown the same colour as the mud brought down by the water over the centuries, to help hold the lichen-moss stuff in place; and in the centre of their body is a strip of gold (iron pyrite probably). Their bodies filter the elements they eat; and like us, they pass out mud much more easily than metal, which is stored and which ultimately causes us to mutate; usually it makes us sick and kills us, we use turmeric to detox from metal-build-up. In petrochemical environments where we handle plastics and metals, breathe it in, wash ourselves in metal and petrol based bleach; we build up a lot of this stuff in our bodies over a lifetime. It causes alzheimers etc. Nitrates in food and all those additives, its all shit. In the worms lifetime, it shows how much it builds up in their bodies. They were beautiful too, a strip of gold in a semi-transparent, white leech thing wriggling across the temple of stars. 

The woman who gave the guided tour around the caves, it being the day before halloween, was dressed in a red devil costume although with pointy horns and ... now  I remember her as holding a lantern like the Hermit in the Tarot, although she was not actually holding a lantern so much as telling us how switch on the damn heavy battery packs and lamps on the heads of our mining hats. It being Wales and all... a woman dressed in red leading a troupe into the dark caves of Wales, where her hoard of gold lays buried... the imagery is too good not to mention. 

Me... I prefer redstone. 

I would like to thank my son's friends dad who, recognizing us from the school, asked if we would like to go with them on a halloween trip. I left the village two or three months ago for a medical interview in Carmarthen... before that I left the village (night of my mates gig in Carmarthen) two years ago... Since becoming pedestrian my finances have picked up, my anxiety has massively reduced, I have quit coffee, basically I have quit stress-now-culture-of-immediacy. Panning for flecks of gold was not about greed so much as therapeutic.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Circle dream

Sometime over the past few years, I awoke in a state of anxiety having dreamed of a culture where hastily constructed concrete platforms were erected by the first wave of the Affected. People acting autonomously to simply build the architecture, regardless of who those people were, what planning rules, the effects on society. A blueprint had been imprinted into their minds by harmonic alignment, imprinted by soundwaves, sub-audible, affecting only those relevant to ensuing the project occur as quickly as possibly. Some primal part of the mind had been activated, the rest of us didn't realise what had happened until we ourselves became the next waves of the Affected. Everybody instinctively knew the obvious, natural order. Questioning why we had changed, overnight, into entirely different people with new understandings, a dim awareness that a higher dimensional entity was zapping us with rays, using us as herd animals; was linked integrally with the who-ami-i? self-awareness, how alive is the individual. Easier to do what is natural flowing from the hearts reassurance that doing the right thing is to follow the apparent order. We were like zombies.

There were those, taller than use, dressed in grey-blue robes, around me. I know them to be the ocean-priests of Ura, wo communicate with me through dream, who were showing me events someplace by guiding me through. I was riding inside the mind of a child nearing his teens, experiencing these thoughts about cultural shift from his perspective. My relation to this child; perhaps some future self, a descendant, i don't truly know. 

I wrote as much about the dream as I could in my dream journal. The people were ascending to the concrete platform, when guided to by the wave of the Affected who were basically the order-ensurers. I do not recall if they had any specific weapons, they didn't need to, it was all psy. It felt like a cattle market, a butchers, slaughterhouse - thats exactly what it was, the slaughterhouse. The selected stood in a circle and the choosing games went around. There were strategies within this, it was like a game of mah jong, where the people in the circle were the playing pieces, different strategies were employed by those trading us, gambling on us. The soundscape was electrifyingingly terrifying. Some sort of futuretech music, hard and aggressive in its mechanicalness, so much more mechainized, each sound toned perfectly to affect and pin the people who heard it, into its grid, a specific thoughtstream, focussed clearly as if on a clarity-drug, inhaling constantly without exhaling, flowing forward with the deeper rhythms affecting our chakras, lower down ,tones to override chakras and grip onto them, to imprint a patten into them, into a persons lightbody, so they resonate with intense density according to the focus. The focus overrides psyche. 

The guardians were showing me this, i was experiencing the fear of it, using calm and detachment knowing we would return to the other places, that this was for us not an immediate reality but for others...
the spaceships look the same as the ones in the movie Circle. Those of us chosen to be beamed, those in the circle - it is pretty much what the dream was about, the movie tells all the rest of the information of what was happening there.

Then they made a movie based on a dream I had, so elaborate and identical that it proves a lot of what is being talked about. Other creative thinkers are visualizing the same experiences. It got as far as they made a film about this one. It is real. The experiences awaiting for humanity as we psychically expand outward toward the oort cloud and beyond, involve stuff like what is happening in this dream.
Experience it as a test of purity of human soul, heart and will. 

This dream relates sequentially to this other one (which happened before) :