Our perceptions are wired to the brain. The brain is designed to constantly update.
When we lie the brain goes into a shape where the lie becomes the neural pathway.
When we perceive through a neural pathway which is a lie, we do not see the truth.
The crime creates the punishment. The crime of lying disables us from seeing truth.
It is physics, it is biology.
If the truth is a straight line between point A and point B, while a lie is a deviation which goes to point C then to point D, the perception will also take the path of the deviation because that is the structure we had supplied for it.
Physics, all energy is a wave. It is measurable electromagnetically. Sensitive people can sense whether anything goes from point A to point B or whether it goes to point C and D simply because they compare it to their own internal integrity as we all do.
Those with no integrity have damaged their own ability to detect and determine falsehood externally.
When we are asked to believe anything is true without questioning and analysing it, we enter into the realm of damaging our own truth-sense.
Board Game
The BS Detector Game
A grid of 5x5
Player has 5 markers.
Markers cannot occupy the same space on the board grid.
Round One
Player places a marker on line 1 row 3.
Each turn the player places another marker.
It is placed either one square in front of the previous (line 2 row 3) for True or sideways (line 1 row 2 or 4) for Lie.
If a player makes a row which goes outside the board, they are ‘caught lying’ and lose the game, game over. If the player makes a straight line between line 1 and line 5, they are Honest and win the game.
Each turn a question is asked to which the player either Lies or says the Truth.
The questions are all along the same pattern:
“In this situation, would you lie or tell the truth? The situation is…” (examples)
Most of the questions are selfishness-based questions. There are variants of types of questions.
The options for answering are: Truth, Lie or No Reply where for the purposes of game play, no reply is considered to be a lie. In a softer multiplayer version of the game, no reply is to skip a go.
The questions should get tougher the closer toward winning the player comes.
Round Two
This board game illustrates how our neural pathways develop.
Information comes into the senses through the neural network created in round one. Whether it is true information or false information (delusion and misperception) relies entirely on the structure of the neural network.
If the player has any children, they will inherit the parents neural network. (Introducing new players to the game).
Each turn, sensory ‘information’ comes to the player through the neural network. Information has numeric value.
Information from line 5 is 5 points.
Information from line 4 is 4 points.
Information from line 3 is 3 points.
Information from line 2 is 2 points.
Information from line 1 is 1 point.
Each turn we total up the score:
A direct link (row 3 in all five lines) is worth 15 points per turn. The player told truth every turn in round one.
A link between line one row three and line one row one is worth a total of 3 points. The player lied every turn in round one.
There can be mixtures of truths and lies from round one to put the link into different shapes of different numeric values.
For every fifteen points gained, a player gains an extra marker. Truthful players receive this every turn. Total liars receive this every five turns.
Round Three
How to cleanse a broken neural network?
Continue asking new truth/lie questions each turn and placing markers.
If a player cannot place a marker, place markers in the next available space in this order:
fill up line one,
then fill up line two,
then fill up line three,
then fill up line four,
or until by filling up lower lines it becomes possible, when a player tells a truth, to progress a marker to the next higher line as normal.
The assumption is the player will be honest about lying and admit they lied. Where a player lies and pretends it is the truth to move forward up the board, there is no stop-check but the players own relationship with Truth.
Use of other players as adjudicators of truth is not the best policy because that way the truth can be re-branded as a lie by those who habitually lie. The delusional enforcing delusion onto the truthful by accusing the truth of being a lie.
Sadly this happens very often.