
Saturday 19 September 2020

Too Good Too True

“If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”  Agenda Based Social Doctrine

It’s a social meme for creating disfunctional people and relationships. Belief in this is not wisdom, it is setting yourself up for fail. It means when you have it good you reject it and opt for second best. It prevents the development of a certain ability based on acceptance and establishing solidity in that higher level. 

If you have the ability, you can connect to that higher level. We all deserve happiness. We are able to make the right person happy because that naturally happens until we block it, turn away from it, create a lie to undermine the purity which is the strength of a quality relationship. 

Not everyone is dysfunctional in that way. Some people accept the happiness and accept living life at that higher level of stability. It’s about love and our ability to trust others and ourselves. To choose to connect at that level. 

The first step in that sort of intimacy is to raise awareness of it. As a community we are mentally polluted with memes which control our attitudes and behaviour. Those who do not give in to the delusion of doubt are a different type of people to those who habitually do. To recover permanently would be good.

It’s simple. We connect to the heart as the centre of the universe instead of to the reptilian brain and it’s paranoid need to hide, control and judge, especially to judge. Instead we simple let go and flow with the ever changing tide of universal energies. Take a deep breath and release, the stress and judgement. The issue blows away and is forgotten. 

What’s left is critical choice from a higher perception. 

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