
Wednesday 27 March 2024



The Russell Equation 

©2024 Ordo Octopia 

We live within an infinity of which we are a component. 

This means every imaginable permutation is real somewhere. 

This means every unimaginable permutation is real somewhere. 

Our studies have revealed the reality manifests our preconceptions eventually if they are concordant with the motion-flows enabled by the main currents at that time. 

Our studies have showed therefore imagination is a component in the evolution of reality. 

We live within a multiverse of increasingly fast tiered harmonic vibrations enabling increasing complexity which we describe as dimensions. 

Our biological form and its senses is adapted to a limited yet functional perception externally to experience our unique anomalous environment which is not congruent to the majority of measurable reality, while internally we are limited only by imagination. 

Time is not a dimension but rather a consequence created by the existence of particle based electronmagnetic mass. 

The philosophy

A simple math to resolve allegations of absolutism. 

Either reality is or it is not an infinity. 

We have scant evidence either way, other than recognition;

“no form of energy ceases, it transmutes” 

which is necessarily to accept infinity exists as opposed to the limitation of a finite state. 

It is also possible that one state can be created from another, whether or not we know how to at this time. 

The concept that reality is indeterminate is  to choose not to choose, thus projecting a manifestation in which no answer will present and a belief through which any evidence which does present is filtered to refute the evidence for what it is. 

This approach is deemed delusional and non-scientific compared with the approach of objectively assessing the evidence we have. 

The following points are observations used for orienting following the logical conclusion drawn from assessing the state of reality based on scientifically validate evidence.  

Reality is benevolent and offers proof of our preconceptions. 

There are higher orders of consciousness beyond our perception. 

No form of energy ceases; it transmutes. 

Is the self-aware observer a form of consciousness?

Monday 25 March 2024

Universal Truth

In Lak'ech Ala K'in
"I am another yourself"

Search for Universal Truth

When she lied, she made an Assertion, a Yang, that the world is a certain shape, which is a false shape because the real world is not that shape. She made a brick in a Tower of Babel (babble, the world built of lies). 

She expects others to unquestioningly believe that falsehood so their belief empowers it until it becomes a fact. Problematic for the community is people do unquestioningly believe her lies because the weight of Yang she has in her deception from believing her own lies.  

"(The biggest shock I ever had is the revelation that)

Half of all people are less than average intelligence."  snakeappletree *

A fact is not a truth

A fact is a deity, a false idol. 

It is what is originally meant by idolatry in the old-language of the Bible. 

Now, we call it Delusion.

When a person holds an honest balance within their mind, they can see the shape of the Yin and Yang as a Harmony, where ‘all things are in their right place’. This is called Dharma. It is a lifestyle, a tradition. It is a Sanskrit word the component of which is from King Damuz, Damascus, consort of Ishtar, Easter. Dharmic Principle is hand-in-hand with Karmic Principle, that all energy seeks to balance. It is associated with the seasonal cycles. 

Somebody who has this mind can automatically detect falsehood because the shape of it, the vibration of it, the spectrum of it, does not conform to the pattern of Truth.

I must imperatively highlight that the State is not universal Dharma. This is why States and Empires fall as history has showed us repeatedly. This is not a criticism of the State but an awareness that it is not the same as Dharma, ‘everything in its right place’. It is when things go out of balance, out of harmony, that they fall. 

A lie is an assertion, a Yang, which is untrue. 

It is a Tower of Babel. 

It will fall. 


*falsely accredited to Neil deGrass Tyson, 
who in fairness might also have said the exact same words twenty years later.  


Who Does Your Thinking?

This essay is in two main components with an afterword. 

1. Sociology which outlines a very common theme in contemporary Western culture,  and

2. Psychology which explores the hidden roots of it using Transactional Analysis. 

3 Afterword. 

  1. Sociology

She has been put into a position where she had to put her Facebook Relationship Status on ‘For Your Eyes Only’ mode so her fiancé could see that was still valid but nobody else could. Everybody else who saw her Facebook status saw no information about her relationship status. This was to appease the critics in her life who wanted her to split up with him. 

There are two reasons: their own jealousy, and because they want her to be under their control, not independent from them by her being more strongly bonded with a partner. She did not stand up for her right to be in a dedicated relationship but instead felt she had been forced into manipulation. For him, manipulation is a sign of a duplicitous personality who can not be trusted. On this basis, when he found out what she was up to, he was offended and made a decision to discuss it with her prior to ending the relationship. To have outright ended the relationship on this basis would have been a knee-jerk reaction albeit an understandable one. 

The same people pressuring her to end the relationship have also pressured him and caused him problems by involving the authorities, all of which bounced off him because the authorities can see it for what it is based on the actual evidence; that her friends and family, her peers, are abusive, jealous women trying to control her. 

This entire statement is re-branded as ‘mansplaining’ in the language of what used to be called radical-feminism but has now been rebranded as normal-feminism due to the extremists activities which used to be considered a form of domestic terrorism but is now considered normalised. The malicious personality traits are being used as agents of agendas of segregation by extremists controlled by a cult which is effectively destroying the stability of this nation under the guise of progressive feminism. 

He believes in a relationship with an equal is a meeting of hearts, minds, bodies and soul. He respects the wisdom of a certificate on the wall of the local Marriage Registry which states; “Marriage is the world between two people to the exclusion of all others.” 

She is not exclusive. She has empowered the fray of peers and community, along with their segregation agendas. 

Both of the bitter, jealous, controlling people in question are themselves in marriages. His role, his intent is to protect her from them. However he has been compromised because she has rights to do what she wants, as endorsed by feminism. He was forced into a position, to protect his relationship. He offered her a hard line. To live in accordance with the confines of empowering a stable, loving relationship or to choose to live in accordance with feminism. She decided to try to have both because Feminism promises she can have both at the detriment of the stable loving relationship. Once again she proved these two disciplines are mutually exclusive. It gets tested almost continuously which is exhausting for everyone involved and amusing to the people throwing spanners into their home life. 

There are two paths before you.

You are in a position of empowerment to choose which path. 

You must choose one. 

You can choose only one.

If you choose and change your mind, the game resets 

but with a handicap and with the couple being regarded to have low integrity. 

If you do not choose, you are not exempt from consequence. 

If you do not choose, others will choose for you. 

If you do not choose, you are regarded to have no agency therefore are of low integrity. 

On one track, there is your loving fiancé.

On the other track, there are a community of bitter people, some of whom already are married and some whom hate men, all of whom want to split you up from your fiancé.

You must choose which to sacrifice. 

If you change your mind, you will have sacrificed both. 

The handicap to that is you will be regarded as having low-integrity. 


Having a high integrity relationship is a form of empowerment. 

You are deciding what to empower. 

The reason this equation is valid is because there are only so many hours in a day to decide where to put your attention. Attention is energy. It is a form of currency. We are powerful energies, which is why others seek to control us and society teaches us we are worthless, as a tool to control us.  

The critical question is; 

do you want a fiancé, or 

do you want to be owned by the community of jealous people who want to control you? 

The jealous people will describe marriage as slavery. Remember, half of them are already married themselves but for whatever reason which is nothing to do with you they have not ended their  own marriages. 

People living in fear do not trust the Divine. 

They are ‘Godless’ and disconnected from Source, Spirit, the holistic nature of reality. 

They turn instead of false idols to worship, to cults, 

such as for example the theories and philosophies of extremism and social agendas, 

or to false friends and manipulative relations. 

A successful marriage is one where the partners listen to each other and not to outside voices persuading them to cause friction within their family home. 

When people are diagnosed with Personality Disorders it is very often because they cause friction for other people, to disrupt the Harmony. 

The very fact that she chose to listen to them and not to her loving fiancé is all the evidence required to prove she does not respect marriage nor men. The string of men who she exploits along the way who are not scared off by her friends and relatives are persecuted at a higher stake by those same people, even when it bounces off them. The amount of problems those people are causing for men because they do not respect men adds to the mens stress associated with dating the girl in the first place. It is damaging antisocial behaviour. 

She could have simply said to them;

“That’s my boyfriend and I love him, leave him alone, he means more to me than you do.” 

But she is too afraid of the consequence, were she to raise self-respect boundaries to protect herself and her chosen life-partner, the world they are building together. The sociopaths would raise the stakes and cause even more problems for them as they observe her slipping out of their control.

She plays this game for self-validation. 

  1. Psychology

She plays this game for self-validation. 

At the core of it is the female psychology which women known too well. 

Women emotionally exist on a spectrum, along a line of neurosis at one end and princess at the other. This is Yin energy. 

What stabilises her is the masculine assertive Yang energy, which either boosts her toward princess or toward neurosis. Women love and fear Yang depending how safe they feel with it, and seek to control it the same way men seek to control and understand the feminine quality of Yin yielding energy.  There are two sources of Yin and Yang which affect the balance of our own Yin and Yang; internal self-harmony, external other peoples influence. 

This explains why women are drawn to some men but fear others, and men are drawn to some women but not others. Yin and Yang naturally work to harmonise with each other. 

There are four quadrants each with its own expression; 

Fearful yin (vulnerable dependant & vulnerable narcissism) - black hole 

Confident yin (classical femininity, the worlds most treasured healing energy) - soothing star, life-nurturing 

Fearful yang (overt domination) - exploding or collapsing star

Confident yang (assured protection) - radiant star, life-giving 

The question then, what brings confidence?

The answer is stability. Inner stability feels like inner peace. 

It is to have trust in the universe as a beneficial provider. 

This is the best place to place trust. 

Most relationships are not so clear and simple as to be black and white. 

They are entanglements which function on many levels of being. 

What creates a perception into a specific dimension of awareness? 


Trauma-bonding creates connections on sub-Dom, passive-aggressive, push-you-pull-me levels of relating. In todays society, we basically as a generalisation all have varying trauma. We all function on a mish-mash of unregulated and non-identifiable levels of trauma-bond which we project outward onto others. 

Social agendas will program us to shut down such complications on one side (marriage counselling methods) or the other (segregational feminism). 

  1. Afterword

The resolution is always going to be open, honest communication about feelings and practicalities. 

Of course, situations where the clash of mixed necessities and compromises built on compromises are going to be used as leverage for energy-manipulation unless you can gain sufficient empowerment for a clean break.

This fosters for the society of ‘mutual self-interest’ where people are disposable, replaceable and expendable having fulfilled purpose. This creates a pandemic of Narcissism.

"The problem is people treat things like people and people like things." anon

"The problem today is people don't cherish good people, they try to use them." Bob Marley.

"Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things." Sir Terry Pratchett.

"The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, 

but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively." Bob Marley. 

How do we defeat that? 

Respect for one another needs. 

Reinforcing the institute of happy marriages instead of destroying it.

You can see what the enemy to community is when you have the Humanitarian understanding which defines us as Being Humans.



Five questions to ask before deciding whether to end your relationship or not. 

Monday 18 March 2024



To retain humane credibility we have to put it in context. It is not an isolated incident.

We have had the death penalty where the authorities will murder the citizens for a variety of reasons for centuries and more, right up until the late 1990s in Britain. That is within living memory at time of writing. 

To isolate the drowning and burning of witches (which is a horrific way to murder people, generating fear tactics as a deterrent to prevent others from following such behaviour), from the state sanctified murder for piracy, robbery, arson, treason, spying and a wide variety of other offences, is to take a component out of context. 

By the same rationale, the association of the murder of women for being witches with the sensibilities of post-modern feminism must also be taken into context for what it is. 

It is directly comparable with the motion in post-modern feminism how atrocious it was that women did not initially get a right to vote until 1928 in Britain.

It was only 10 years previous to that where men were given a right to vote in 1918 after centuries when nobody in Britain had a right to vote other than the Barons. In 1965 black people were given a right to vote in USA. 

The reason these rights were given in a staggered order, and yet all within the span of one lifetime, was to avoid offending the sensibilities of the older generation whose mindset was significantly different from the younger generation, which was because of accelerated cultural development.

It is for the same reason we do not currently have water-powered car engines, free electricity and an AI in your internet wrist-watch providing free counseling-therapy. These technologies already exist. 

The mindset of the current infrastructure is not yet ready to let go of its power over the taxed masses, to give everybody the power we will all have when we all have those things. The introduction of them into our communities is being staggered in stages because of what Alfred Toffler describes in his book ‘Future Shock.’

It is not the fault of living men that something happened generations ago, which has been manipulated to such extent that today’s understanding of it is not the same as it was in its original context. 

It is not the fault of unborn future generations that we the living have not provided water-engines, free electricity, and AI in their internet wristwatches providing free counseling-therapy, despite those technologies already existing now.

What is revealed is the amount of man-hate in our community at this time, from a cult of domestic terrorism which is drawing its inspiration and justification from manipulated versions of history. 

Why would contemporary women do that to contemporary men?

Several generations ago women were drowned and burned at the stake for behaving in such ways because it was recognised as problematic to the community.

The context by which the ancestors understood their methods was different to how we understand it today, coming as they did from a religious background rather than a scientific background as we now have.

The impact it has on the community however is directly comparable. 

Saturday 16 March 2024


When people destroy the wisdom-keepers and leaders, that does not make them stronger. It weakens and destroys the community. 

Weak people create misery in others for personal empowerment. 

Their rising social status does not make them a stronger person even if it gives them authority over even weaker people which can be maintained only by the weaker people continuing to weaken and destroy the stronger people. It’s doomed to die. 

Strong people create Harmony within the community and protect individuals from those who use pressure and manipulation to create segregation and depression. 

The voices of those persecuted and in isolation are equally as valid as the voices of the ones shouting them down. But why would they should then down? What do they fear they may say? 

Narcissism has a four-step strategy. It emerged from Modernism. It puts the weak person in position of the strong person by disempowering the strong person. 

In BDSM cultural blueprint it is the role of Brat or ‘topping from the bottom’. Those who behave that way are either shunned or disciplined appropriately by those who know what they’re doing; which is never cruelty. 

1 cause drama 

2 target reacts 

3 loudly criticise the reaction

4 deny causing drama

Step 4 claims the target is lying about (1) in addition to (2) describe the reaction as causing drama (1). 

How To Break Out Of This Cycle?


Equalise the field requires to negate all evidence and ignore all feelings. This is inhumane. This is not a successful resolution. 

Segregation is effective but if the goal of the Narcissist is to isolate their target, it results in the problem maker achieves their goal at the cost of their target. That is not a successful resolution. 

Trade and its relative, mutual reliance. Trade increases prosperity for all. It results in integration. It can be regarded a successful resolution. 


“There is nothing they have which we could possible need.” 


We need to cohabit peacefully for mutual stability. 

We need soap, food, warm dry dwellings, shared company, exploration; 

derivatives of these categories. 

Industries form around these simple needs.

The foreign enemy does not have inferior quality equivalent. It has mysterious and exciting difference from the normal we take for granted. It is marketing gold and these is plenty of it during a prolonged integration which is slowed to avoid wholesale cultural assimilation. 

The celebration of differences comes hand in hand with the awakening of we are all the same despite our differences. 

Are We All The Same? 

When the weak destroy the wisdom-keepers and leaders, what is left is all the same. This is why we need wisdom-keepers and leaders. 

It is said by the wise, nobody who wants to be a leader should be trusted in that role. 

But what do The Wise know? 

“Dalla told me something once.
Val’s sister, Mance Rayder’s wife.
She said that sorcery was a sword without a hilt. 
There is no safe way to grasp it.”

“A wise woman.” 
Melisandre rose, her red robes stirring in the wind. 
“A sword without a hilt is still a sword, though, 
and a sword is a fine thing to have when foes are all about.”

– A Storm of Swords, George R.R. Martin