Unresolvable? dilemma's of Common Law.
The Common Law of our Ancestors is:
Keep the Peace, Do not steal, harm or use trickery.
is a trickster deity who is known by many different cultures across the
world. I have spoken with people of many cultures and observed how many
of them still bring up this deity in conversation, ergo it still
exists. The greatest description I have heard yet; it teaches through
trickery. Whether this is used by unscrupulous people to justify their
behavior as opposed to aiding us develop abstract thought necessary to
survive and thrive and explore different perceptions is a different
issue to the main focus of this thread.
Here is the example:
is asked by her new husband if she still has feelings toward her ex
husband. In truth she does because of course she does, she is human and
it is natural and normal to have emotions for somebody who you were once
emotionally entangled with. We are not machines who can switch off and
on at will, and the ones of us who can are psychopathic. It is
recognized that a psychopath is not human in the regular sense (that
Human Being is an adjective, it describes a way of being).
So she
decides to Keep the Peace and not risk upsetting her new husband or
opening up a can of worms on a door which she is attempting to seal
tightly shut. The past is the past and is gone now.
She replies; "Of course not! I love you (now)."
deep down we all know to be a lie but evidently the guy needed the
affirmation that his investing attention energy into her is worth it,
that he is not being tricked, that he is in a stable relationship with a
future. The factor that if somebody is lying then they are going to
keep on lying which is disrespectful toward the person they are lying to
is something he has decided to overlook on this occasion.
So I got
to thinking; her decision to Keep the Peace was more important to her
than her decision to tell the truth, or to rephrase it; she was prepared
to use trickery so as to keep the peace and therefore she had delegated
the Common Law of Keeping the Peace to be more important than Do Not
Use Trickery, and override it.
This is a different school of thought
to the one I have always lived by, where Truth is fundamental to my own
personal integrity and value system, above and beyond manipulating
consequences of outcome. As I experience this more, I can see that it is
a factor in my advancing spiritual development and how this connects to
my status of not being in a relationship. I chose not to lie even when
that would disrupt the peace.
Although I argue then that it was not
my response and activity which broke the peace, but the rage of the
person who I had been truthful with, because the person could not
control their own temper and could not cope with what I perceive to be a
human truth; that it is permissible to have mixed emotions about
topics, that it is permissible to have emotions for more than one person
at a time, and that it is abusive to expect a person to go against
human nature to protect a slavery paradigm.
So my way of being is to
maintain the peace myself and to test other peoples integrity, by
putting Truth above 'using trickery to keep the peace'. It is the only
way I can resolve not breaking any of the Common Laws; it is how I
interpreted the common laws to be arranged so as to shape social
conduct; what the ancestors meant by formulating the common law as it
Is this a typical gender difference; is it that women will lie to
keep the peace where men will be honest at risk of breaching of peace?
Or has it nothing to do with gender? These are different creeds, codes
of conduct.
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