Friday 22 September 2023

Saturns Rings



Pantheon for Aquarian Era. 

Transition toward Higher Dimensional Consciousness and Living. 

Harmony, Acceptance & Delusion.

Groove, Drift, Bold. 

Towers & Crunch. 

Every Moment is a time for creating a new wave. Its foundations are not historic events or future aspirations, (both of which are intangibles), but rather are Attitude held within us during the Moment of Now, (both of which are tangible). 

Making friends with the Past

Making friends with the Future

Making friends with the Now

Time (Saturn) has three aspects; 

Future, Now, Past

Saturn’s Grids 

If we have deities (autonomously empowered caricatures of concepts) of each aspect of Saturn, it would be; 

Drift: Flotsam (drifting aimlessly) 

Groove: A Dancer (on the rhythms and ripples of the Manifestation of Creation) 

Bold: One who strides confidently (toward Future) 

Drift, Groove and Bold are not only aspects of which grid (the energetic helix of any given vibrational frequency harmonic) of Time we connect with, to allow them to filter through us as we process through them, but also of Attitudes. 

These Attitudes are defined as deities in that we may worship them, by which is meant to invoke them and allow them to take over and control us for the duration. 

Bold is Yang, decisive, optimistic, confident and doing its best knowing its best is sufficient. 

Drift is Yin, aimless and indecisive, uncoordinated, being jostled about in the sway of other peoples mixed and overlapping directions. 

Groove is when one learns to dance between and around all other peoples energies in such way to avoid the Down and to use the Up as stepping stones until one can assert one’s own stable path, at which time recognition of it being reinforced by other people instead of degraded by other people.

The Acceptance & The Delusion 

Drift is a place where people have not yet fully accepted and assimilated all the relative factors. It is a limbo but not a static one as it involves being affected by consequences of other peoples intentions as the main controlling factor.  

Bold is a place where a person strides forward, whether or not they have assimilated and accepted all relative factors, nevertheless having sufficient self-belief to establish stability and structure based on having faith in what the person has already assimilated and accepted. It creates its own sway. 

Groove is having confidence and self-belief returned by the Cosmos as evidence of righteousness, to boost the confidence and self-belief in one’s own rhythms and the passage made by them. 

The Acceptance, is all about a person or peoples Outlook, which is when we see the same situation and circumstances through different eyes. One way of looking is empowering. One way of looking is degrading. We do have power and right to choose. Not choosing counts as a choice. 

The Delusion, is what happens when we live in a false version of reality based on nonsense. Because it is not true its rhythm will eventually collapse simply due to inevitable Karma of the Cosmos nature to always seek Harmony. This is technically a hard science. 

Quantum mechanics is named after how particles behave through Time. The relationship between Time and Physics is inseparable; with no matter there is no time, with no Time there is no matter.  Gravitational mass generates Time. 

The second dimension is the ‘flat’ realm of quantum particles. Its laws explain How Light manifests into the Abyss from Source (the unilateral, infinite first dimension). 

Time is not one continuum but myriad overlapping interacting continuums. The experience known as Deja Vu is where two (or more) time-streams merge. This is the importance of harmonising communities through social gatherings. Wherever this occurs is Temple (Tao Ample ElectroMagneticPulse Empower People). 

E=mv2 (energy mass variable) 


From striding boldly forward we build Towers (Tao). These create structured stability which directs change to the flow around them. Towers inevitably fall eventually. Some outlive practicality and usefulness. Some outlive our mortal lifespan. Towers are useful unless they are not. 

The Crunch

The Crunch occurs where we are forced to minimise. Distillation as process of refinement. 

For example; Where we have three items but must choose black and white between them. The third (grey) item is either black or white, we must decide. The correct decision is to conform to Truth. The only test for us is our relation with Truth. 

The nature of Saturn has through the era of Pisces been a refinement process of expansion and contraction as the pendulum signifying the extremities of wave function oscillates.   

Whether Saturn will continue emitting this polarity of expansion ad contraction into and throughout the era of Aquarius is as yet unknowable. 

The Crunch explains why in Astrology the planets especially Mercury must go retrograde, for review, to establish the bedrock foundational Truth. It explains why Towers built on delusion must fall. 

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