Monday 1 January 2024



“Do not react. Let them get on with their drama.” 

Do not react. Let them get on with their drama. * 

Liberate you from being drawn into their drama. 

The drama involves delusion because drama relies on confusions to fuel it. 

Where there is no confusion there is harmony. 

This is the difference between karma and dharma. 

Karma (energy seeks balance).

Dharma (everything in its right place). 

Two contrasting forms of psychology are in play. 

Lacan rejection of truth in favour of delusion. Postmodernism. 

Jung assimilating the shadow to know the whole truth. 

Timeless shamanism. 

We must understand that the Lacanian model is necessary. 

To integrate its place and purpose as a stage of healing. 

This is not to submit to it and be draw into it. 

It is to recognise it has value despite at first appearance it being disgusting. 

Regardless our opinion we must deal with it as the Practicality of exiting in a Lacanian society, a culture of delusion which naive Modernism and cynical Postmodernism capitulate. 

We go into delusion when we cannot face and assimilate trauma. A part of the healing is very often to heal by affinity. To study around the core wound instead of tackling it head-on involves exploring similar and related themes and symbols. By this gentle way we understand the core trauma sufficiently to eventually assimilate it. Therefore wee can recognise to exist in delusion is a stage of healing. Lacanian psychology is necessary to attain Jungian wholesome integration. It is a developmental stage before full assimilation of the shadow can occur. 

The recognition of self as a pervert, a Hunter, a killer, is a shock to all of us who prefer self-identifying with the comforts of being the caregiver, the lover, the healer. 

We cannot become survivors until we know also how to wound to kill and to heal pain of fatal wounds. Thus we become resurrected. 

Jung spoke of this in terms of the Male and Female principles within each of us, his term Anima and Animus from Latin. 

He did this as a classical gender-based example of how the non-gender based soul is far beyond gender identity. The example is intended to serve as exploration of domains existing beyond gender, which is a major purpose of unifying genders. It is imperative to recognise this and to set gender-issues aside to attain Humanitarian approach and understanding if Jung and his intentions. 

It is about Soul, not the distraction of gender segregation (which is a Lacanian arena).  

The symbols of Hermaphrodite (Hermes-Aphrodite in classical Greek mythology which Freud and the Jung utilised and founded modern psychology upon for its wealth of humanitarian focussed symbolic content). 

The symbol of the sexless Androgyne explored more thoroughly by Freud in his works on the sexualised fetish object and how this relates to dehumanisation of a targeted lover as nothing more than as a mindless emotionless fetish object. 

The consequences of which are either induction of trauma or development of mutual trust within the safety framework of BdSM culture developed through the Sexual Revolution from 60s S&M through the emergence of LGBT, coinciding with raised awareness of marital and civil-partnership domestic abuse, the Me Too and Men Too movement which followed. 

These social transitions of; 

1 more open understanding of sexuality, and 

2 effort toward more humanitarian ethos unfortunately stymied by repression and punishment of perceived offenders, due to polarisation rejection occurring before assimilation. 

These developments occurring especially in the early decades after the millennium transition from 20th to 21st century. 

It has nothing and everything to do with the western social cult of Feminism occurring concordantly, which sells itself as liberation but in effect venerates non-accountability based narcissism, repression and open man-hate. 

When ‘empowerment’ requires repression to establish, satisfy and justify its existence, it is not authentic, wholesome or deserved. It is not ‘equality’; it is destruction. 

Experiencing a realm beyond gender distractions. 

Emotional healing. 

Mental healing. 

Physical healing. 

Relationship healing. 

Sexual healing. 

Lifestyle healing. 

Cultural healing. 

Planetary healing. 

Doing all this without involvement and entanglement into confusions and delusions which emerged as stepping-stone stages of healing and development and which took on a life of their own which caused us to forget our original root purpose. 

Harmony is Stability and wholesome Growth in the right direction. 

Setting aside Lacan. Becoming real. Assimilating the Shadow. Confronting and accepting trauma so as to move beyond the control which trauma has upon us. 

Becoming renewed. 

The practicality of this is minimalism. 

Burning up ashes of the broken old Self as the Phoenix reinvents itself and emerges genuine, sleek and powerful. 

* Phonemic/Phonetic variant. Drama and Trauma. 

   This association is no coincidence. 

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