Friday 28 June 2024

Aquarian Femininity


The women of this time are more powerful than the men. 

Some argue they’re not. 

Some argue they always were. 

Some just argue. 

As we go into Age of Aquarius consciousness, 

the last dying breathe of the traditional old school Masculine has left its epitaph

as guidance for the world beyond its colonial, empirical reach. 

For this alone it is worth paying attention. 

The words, graven in its own stone slab, say this: 

“the divine feminine is divine not because she is fe’male but because she is feminine.” 

The most powerful healing energy we know of 

is about to have its resurgence

 to reign for a cycle of 2500 years. 

Its qualities are not those of the toxic masculine wearing a dress or a fe’male body. 

As coven gather openly  under sun and moon and eave and arch to celebrate and rightly so, to open portals of energy, gentle, peaceful, intuitive, caring, loving, kind, we all of us do well to remember not to become that thing we fear and hate, which held us under conquest and control, conformed us to its rigid domination through punishment and cruelty. 

Those are not the ways to heal the ills. 

The way of harmony is the way of seeking balance in all things. 

The way of energy is the way of water. To make the connection with its earthing. 

To soothe gradually any jagged sharpness into care worn tenderness. 

The celebration of femininity.

There is a thing, because of the nature of balance. 

Women will recognise its value something men have known forever. 

The absolute fundamental importance of accepting accountability. 

To self and to others. 

This is necessary. 

The harsh lessons women will have to go through to learn this will test femininity at all levels. 

It will happen at an accelerated rate compared with the last cycles, 

emotional collective Pisces and before that stubborn sensual Taurus.

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