Friday 5 April 2024



(unbelievable what man invents and believers accept)

Big Bang theory = the most simple logical fallacy.

Not distinguishing nothing from something and not distinguishing explosion from life.

Dispelling such fiction with a simple question:

What exploded, how and why, suddenly out of nowhere?

How did the explosion create life(or after that)?

The second question is only a formality (also a fallacy, an impossible question)."

It's all explained by Einstein.

At first I thought he explained it badly but then I realised why he needed to do that. 

It would have been easier had he described it as mass-time instead of space-time. 

Mass creates time. Without mass there is no time. 

That’s how we once had a state where there was no time for anything to occur in. 

The Big Bang was not limited to what we biologically perceive as the speed of light.

It went faster than that but we cannot perceive that. 

Also we cannot perceive ranges such as ‘between light and sound’. 

We are very crude organisms in the 3D although we have potentially advanced access to higher dimensions such as imagination which many idiots prefer to believe is a nonsense thing and not an evolutionary and sensory ability. 

Because the Big Bang happened at a speed faster than light there was no time there yet. It creates time the same as it created matter. 

However, planet earth is in an anomaly. 

It is not in the normal sort of zone found throughout observable space. 

That illustration of someone holding a sheet vertically with bowling balls on it causing bowl-shaped dips in the sheet - this measures time-dilation. We are inside one of those dips. Personally I do not think we are at a static tempo inside one of those dips but rather it oscillates in ways we have never been able to measure so the speed of time fluctuates imperceptible, it’s not a steady constant. 

Einstein explained this in a roundabout way using special relativity to give us a pointer. 

Few people if any picked up on that. 

One more thing - everything is made of vibrations, oscillations, working in harmonies with each other. That’s how mass and therefore time is ‘created’. 

So to answer your question, strange though it may sound: the Big Bang has not happened yet from our perspective, and we are unlikely to catch up with it. We have formed in the fallout after the event. But the fallout created time and were deep down into that, not even as fast as the cosmic average. 

How this affects space travel is interesting because all the maths done by nasa etc are based on earths physics which is an anomaly not the cosmic average. Funny and tragic that at the same time. 

Idiots they are. 

I believe that ‘faster than light’ and the future are synonymous but it’s confusing for the human mind to understand what that is. We are progressing toward the future because we are falling into an oscillating density. If we can get enough energy to escape that we would probably escape the physical world as well as time as we know it. That’s what happens when a soul leaves a body such as astral projection, dreaming and death which are realms of much lighter sensory outside of time. 

There is so much more to reality and it’s spiritual, not material. This is also why people have problem assimilating what it is we are dealing with. Non-belief clouds judgement. 

We know this for certain: no form of energy ceases, it transmutes. 

The importance of the question: “is the self aware part of you which does the observing a form of energy?” 

People who have had OBE do not see the world the same way as people who have not. All I can suggest is spiritualist churches. All that is also a part of the energy which does not cease and therefore is a part of the Big Bang. 

Keep meditating on all these topics. 

I’m sure it can be explained better than that too. Our understanding of ‘reality’ changes when we embrace higher-frequency spectrums which we are biologically not able to perceive externally so easily but which we can connect with internally. Evidencing it has historically been problematic. One factor for why is because ‘disbelief’ manifests as an experience for others around the disbeliever because the relationship between the internal and external worlds of experience. 

There are claims of scientific studies into particles which are affected by belief however none of us the mainstream have done those experiments ourselves. Dr Emoto’s research is perhaps a place to start learning how we can do such experiments for ourselves on some levels. 

A leap of faith is required but it was always so for evolution - that there is a land beyond the great wet, that fire is something we can harness, that planting seeds is not an insane thing to do, that copulation makes babies, etc etc - we work by association and we question everything, even the assumptions that yesterdays associations are still valid. Thus is knowledge lost and gained by the same hand.

I’m not sure how far we are into that density - how deep and steep our curve is on the sheet with a bowling ball model - but I am almost certain that we should begin by postulating the edge of it where our Y axis (vertical cursive slope) becomes the cosmic X axis (horizontal cosmic harmonic constant) is what we describe as ‘the speed of light’. 

What does this mean about travelling at light-speed and beyond? 

Hahahahah hahaha 

Everything is instantaneous at that point. That’s what we call the Singularity. 

On the edge of singularity, is: dreamworlds, the spirit world after-death (not the afterlife, the afterlife refers to the next bodily incarnation, not the gap between incarnations), and states of astral projection. 
I would love to expound upon the dreamworlds being the future of our evolution but for Yaqui shamen through Don Matus lineage expressing their understanding that the dreamworlds are distractions and are not the ultimate answer. Sad but true. It’s something like playing a videogame. But they’re mmorpg videogames for multidimensional spirits etc so they have some validity as experiences for explorers. “Just don’t get lost there”. Perhaps they’re not entirely right though and we need to assimilate dream-power the same way our ancestors harnessed fire. We’re expanding in all directions. Life does that.

As for answering what is it which exploded? 

Perhaps it is or was a singularity which exists in the future from our perspective. Certainly it is multidimensional and we are limited the way ants are limited to understand advanced concepts we take for granted. We are evolving - we are evolution. We ain’t done with that yet. We will keep progressing until we know. First we’re learning the shape of the environment and it’s not as simple as we previously thought it to be. 

Imagination is a factor in evolution. We’re on the edge of expanding into that awareness. 

It’s why ‘there is a war on for your mind’. 

In Search of the elusive Inter Galactc Time Dilation Equation blog 

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