Friday 5 April 2024

Society and Ships

“Society is not your friend.” Terence McKenna 

Society is designed to break you. It will make you suspicious of your chosen partner by giving you a Mind which will destroy your relationship with that person. 

You have to delete that and instead to create a Mind exclusive to you and that partner. To do this, you need to put that person‘s Mind above all others, and constantly work, constantly, to make sure it is in harmony. 

As soon as you stop making sure it is in harmony, there is no relationship. The quickest way to destroy that harmony is to replace that mind with the mind of society by compromising with other people who are not your partner. 

These are not words of narcissism. They are words of how to have a successful stable long-term relationship. 

You cannot have it both ways. When other people are in a stable relationship their advice is irrelevant in stabilising your own relationship, unless their advice is to stop listening to anybody else and instead to start working with your partner in harmony. 

We live in an era where society will tell you to stop listening to your partner and listen  instead to society. That is why your relationship will fail.

When you analyse all your broken relationships of the past, you will see this is the common factor, the lesson you need to assimilate as soon as possible. Both broke at harmony by listening to third parties instead of to your partner.

It is not abusive to expect your partner to listen to you, and to form a shared world to the exclusion of all others. That is by definition what partnership is. When you can see this, you can see why society is designed to destroy your partnerships. 

-Ships require harmony to function. 

Other people are destructive, supportive or irrelevant. 

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