Wednesday 4 October 2017

Case Study


A diagnosis is an opinion. It is not a fact. It is not a Truth.

A professional diagnosis is a professional opinion. It is not a fact. It is not a Truth.

When a person claims that an opinion is inaccurate because it does not accurately describe that person, one of two things can happen.

First, preferably, the person is listened to and the situation re-evaluated. This is called common sense and falls within the broader concept of humanitarianism.

Secondly, the person is ignored and the more accurate information is irrelevant to the professional diagnosis. This is called professional misconduct. In some industries it is called neglect of duty. It is called prejudice and falls within the broader context of abuse.


When a person listens to a rumour and accepts it as a Truth or as a fact without first getting to the bottom of the situation, that person is not respectable. In psychiatry it is a recognised to be a mental disorder falling within a spectrum which includes cognitive dissonance and disbelief syndrome. If they act on the misinformation without requesting clarification from source, such people are recognised to be not fully functioning human beings.

When a person accepts somebody else’ opinion to be a fact or a Truth, they are not doing their own thinking. They immediately become an agent of the original lie. They become party to the corruption. They are now a component in an abuse network.


Identifying the original source becomes imperative in situations 1 and 2 above.


Once having identified that a person has lied and that a network exist to expand upon that lie, it is called corruption. All of the people involved in permeating the lie are also corrupt.

In legal terms it is called a conspiracy. It is a criminal offence. To permeate a lie from a position of authority is called fraud if there is paperwork involved, also professional misconduct, misconduct in office, and/or neglect of duty.

Such a person undermines not only their own authority but also the respectability of all positions of authority. That person should be a target of concern by all other authorities.

*in our case study, a professional criminal manages successfully to divert attention away from their own corruption by making a claim that the victim of the corruption is the person whom everybody should be suspicious of. The criminal does this to maintain their hold on office and ensure their personal income. Other conspirators in the abuse network who are also fabricating paperwork to entrench the original lie continue to pursue the course of action of discrediting the original target whenever the original target speaks out against it. It has a snowball/avalanche effect which extends to the discredited individual being set up by the authorities to criminalise him, thus further undermining his outspoken Truth.


What makes a person a professional is that they profess to be an acting agent of a principle.

The principle of GP’s for example, general practioners also known as Doctors if they have studied to achieve an expensive piece of paper award called a doctorate although this is not essential to be an active GP and hold a registered office, much the same way a teaching qualification is not essential to be a teacher. The principle of doctors is to doctor situations, which means to alter them. A GP is not a professionally qualified Healer which is a very, very different occupation and principle.

The principle of the GP is to unquestioningly do what the computer tells him to do. The academic text books are also based on opinions and solidified using case studies. The opinions based on observational studies of groups of people somewhere else in the world at some other time under different conditions. In terms of science, that is not proper scientific protocol.

Common Sense and Humanitarianism indicates that if, as in our scenario, the case study is a target of abuse by a criminal network operating through the system, and whose opinion has been undermined and replaced officially by a misdiagnosis, that the existence of case studies is irrelevant if one is attempting to establish the truth of any individual situation. Case studies are inaccurate to the reality of situations and exist to cover up corruption. They are not facts. They are not Truths. Case studies exist to maintain a source of income for professionals in office. They do not exist to heal people for the simple reason that healing people involves actually listening to what that person is saying.

“It takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel.” Ancient Folk Wisdom

See also: Case Study Notes

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