Sunday 2 October 2022

Defending Decency

When a person jumps to a conclusion and acts on it based on zero evidence, that person is delusional. Depending on the situation, that person is potentially dangerous to society, ergo; a sociopath. 

This is why De Facto courts of (law and) Order require evidence before they can be effective. They rely on this for their respectability. Which adequately diverts focus away from the common mistake of mistaking a Fact for a Truth to suit their purposes. 

At this time I will use an example famous in the contemporary Role Playing Games Industry of Zak Smith. Zak is a genius. He is talented in imagination, storytelling, writing, painting, and other fields. You only have to look at his art or read his blogs to recognise this. Zak spent much of his time talking sense and calling out hate mobs on the online D&D forums before seeing it for what it is, Troll City. 

Zak's ex-wife made a public libel against him on Fakebook. * 

Immediately, delusional brain-dead zombies who mistake hate for truth and who do not require evidence to launch a tirade of targeted hate, came to her aide and literally destroyed Zaks career. His name was struck from published books he had worked on. Group projects he was involved with ended their contracts with him. A host of hatred was levied toward him. Cries of "I'll make sure you'll never work in this town again, bucko!" from people who one week earlier had been sucking up to his deserved respectability. 

I have never spoken with Zak in person or by text. We live in different continents. I left one message on his blog on the one occasion the tech allowed me to do that, although I tried to on three other times. Mostly to thank him for his work, which is brilliant regardless of the allegations proving to be facts or false. 

The court case is ongoing. At this time no legal verdict has been made. It might go one way, it might go the other. Both parties are counter-suing the other for being abusive. It's that way sometimes when couples divorce. 


The issue I am concerned with is the knee-jerk reaction by delusional zombies to join a hate group and 

destroy a persons life, based on zero evidence and only hearsay

Those people are an abuse network. 

Those people should not have positions of responsibility in our communities.

And yet they do. 

* I was given a 48 hour ban from Fakebook because I posted a link to a YouTube entitled '20 Conspiracy theories Which Turned Out To Be True'. Troll City is embedded in their system. My response to that bs was to delete my FB account. My life improved exponentially when I did that. 

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