Sunday 10 September 2017

Crit Fact


"She believes in opinions as if they are truths.”

The word 'fact' is an abbreviation of factor.

The factors of the case. 
The factors we are basing our approach on. 
The factors of life.

Factors are not truths. 

They are deviations and the causes for deviations away from truth. They are justifications; a word which means not 'plausible excuse' although it is commonly misused to mean that rather than 'to justify' which means to put straight, to amend. 

Here we have a situation where the word invented to mean 'deviate' is regularly assumed to mean 'straighten' which is a terribly alarming factor in our analysis of common misuses of the English language. We can not trust the rationality and indeed sanity of a person who is so manipulative as to be using the word black to mean white. They do this either from ignorance, which proves they are unworthy of respectability; or knowingly, which proves they are unworthy of respectability. 

In an environment where such terminology is so commonly misused the confusion is too dangerous for any wise observer to risk use of these words at all. Any environment which does make use of such words when simpler, cleaner alternatives are available, which they are, does so precisely to perpetuate that confusion. Grey areas provide leverage and coverage for manipulation. These environments are perpetuated by manipulators because were it otherwise, such environments would cease to be exist. They are entirely unecessary for any direct and honest communication.

Next time anybody uses the word 'fact': double-check with them to find out if they know what it means. Nine times out of ten they are using the word as a replacement for the word 'truth' because they have persuaded themself and are seeking to persuade others that a factor (deviate) is a truth. He is true (innocent) except for the factors upon which we build our case against him shows him as untrue (not innocent). Factors realign our perspective thus our perception. 

"If it is not the Truth it is a lie."

A quality police officer will be able to accurately assess the difference between a real factor ('he had blood on his hands') from a fabricated factor ('she said she saw blood on his hands - although her stated opinion has nothing substantial to verify it and it is not evident that he had blood on his hands, it is evident only that she wants us to believe he did'). 

A corrupt police officer will accept opinion as truth even with no evidence and will describe it to be a fact. To express it as follows: "a critical factor is that a witness saw him with blood on his hands" sounds very persuasive especially when stated by somebody in a position of authority. This does not make it a truth. 

When we deconstruct use of language we deconstruct assumed authority. This is not the same as questioning authority. Manipulation is not authority: it is neglect of duty. Doing it knowingly is corruption, it is a criminal offense.

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