Thursday 25 May 2023


A first draft excerpt from The Umbrella Questions c2023. Included here in relation to the next blog Aquarian Yin


The Alpha of a community are those who bond the community together. 

Observations of primates show this not to be the chief aggressor but contrary, the one who the others go to when they have a problem, practical or emotional. These involve skill sets of problem-solving and empathy. 

Communication requires active listening necessary for comprehension and understanding of needs. 

Dictatorships hold communities together to practical extent without empathic awareness are dystopian and create dissidents and revolutionaries. 

Communities held by empathy alone with no practicality will dissolve. 

Stability requires identifying what areas people involved require stability. Stability alone is insufficient. A community also requires purpose. Throughout history the greater purpose has typically been pursuit of sustainable stability. Gathering of resources from natures bounty necessary for sufficiently comfortable lifestyle. 

Those who stand in critical judgement of others without offering practical and empathic support are not Alpha’s. 

They might be on a state pay-roll to do a departmental job described as ‘authority’. It does not make them Alpha. The skill-set involved is what makes a person an Alpha regardless of position in an artificial, thus delusional, social structure.  

An Alpha is a leader. A leader lives by example, practical and empathic. A Ruler is a dictator, in position of power without necessity of popularity gained through skills. 

This contrast is where we see the core difference between Tribalism which we cannot escape from as it is our primary genetic mental-emotional disposition, verses subjugation to a Dictatorship characteristic of which is we cannot easily replace it even collectively. Dictatorships emerge when the Ruler has all the weapons, wealth and food. 

A Sigma is one with leadership skills but who chooses not to use them. A Sigma is one who can survive alone. 

When a Sigma chooses to enforce an Alpha by working together, the Sigma acting as guide to the Alpha, the power team encourages others to respect the Alpha as a leader. 

Trust forms over time through shared experiences. Although experiences may vary through good and bad, recognition that the person or people sharing them make the right choices to challenges is the core of trust-building. 

Aquarian Yin


Yin energy is about acceptance. 

Accepting the world the way it is is to choose to live in reality versus refusal to live in reality which is delusional. Yin on this premise is not delusional but rather it is based in reality. 

Yang energy is assertive, controlling, dominating. Traditionally we associate this with the masculine principle. Why we associate these energies of Yin and Yang with gender was perhaps relevant once to the old world but no longer valid. To continue to do so would be a mistake. 

As we enter the Age of Aquarius we are told it is the time where the patriarchy is dissolving. The assumption asserted (Yang) by feminism is therefore it must obviously be the time for the Matriarchy. 

Any -archy is a Yang, dominating, assertive, controlling, entity. 

It is not the male gender which has been dissolved but rather the era wherin the yang energy has reign. 

We are not entering an era of female control. We are entering an era of Yin, acceptance of reality for what it is, verses delusion and non-acceptance. 

Males and Females accepting each other for what they are. 

It is an need to the era of confusions and anger projected at the other, a state of living in delusion about each other and ourselves. 

Aquarius is not female dominant any more than it is male dominant. It is an end to dominance. It is the rise of yielding which involves the active listening component of communication. Empathic awareness, true comprehension, understanding of the world the way it truly is. 

The crisis of Modernism fuelled narcissism which erupted during the shift toward the Aquarian state characterises a distillation of all the delusions into a singularity, the foci of Piscean nature. 

By interpreting Aquarius through narcissistic confusion to interpret it as an era of female supremacy is to entirely miss the point and purpose of Aquarius. It is the Yin which will reside. Not the Yang in female form. 

Thursday 18 May 2023

Psychic Attack

c2023 Ordo Octopia. All Rights Reserved.

Women are observationally better than men at harnessing emotional energy as a psychic force. When enough of it can be stirred up and targeted. The easiest emotions to stir up a generally the negative ones of stress, anxiety, hate, envy, despair, some combination of all of these, when stirring the cauldron to invoke the spirits.

The purpose for which the energy is put when the mind distills it and focuses it onto a specific target, is a psychic attack of that target.

Although we are capable of doing the same with pleasurable emotions, of love, happiness, trust and respect, positivity, for example that enjoyed by many famous popular figures with their thousands of fans, it requires sufficient self-esteem to attain that in the first place.

In relationships very often the person we intend to target is the person we also rely on to give us the energy and to support us emotionally so that we are able to achieve the higher levels. We associate that high with a person we have bonded with at that level at sometime in the past. 

Subsequently we generally feel they are failing us if they are at a low and are unable to raise us up. What happens next is our negativity towards the person for letting us down, becomes to target to them when they are already down.

This is a dysfunctional cycle. It is one which people are generally unaware of and do not like to admit to. People are not trained to perceive our emotions as being a source of psychic force capable of creating an energetic bridge.

When you can see it clearly, you can more easily understand what is going on. There are several known aspects of this. 

When a couple falls into despair there is not enough energy to sustain either one of them. The relationship dissolves and falls apart in the fit of negativity.

It is when one partner is it a low, they more than ever need the other partner to be higher than ever. The practicality is this very rarely happens which is why in modernism, so many short-term relationships occur.

During which we are able to self-analyse and learn the lessons each individual should be learning at that time in their personal development.

With external stressor factors occurring for everybody it is almost impossible to sustain happiness all the time to sustain a happy functional relationship all the time. Modernist Society is simply pitted against it.

Crisis management involves recognising where our personal energies are going. So to speak, pulling up a drawbridge to send our own personal energies into where we need for own healing to rebuild ourselves as individuals. This has to occur before we are functional to enter any successful relationship dynamic with other people. 

It is a problem with codependency where an individual has developed a Lifelong strategy to gain energy exclusively from other people, instead of from better sources for example taking pride in their own accomplishments even when their own accomplishments are unrecognised by others. 

Further reading: Dr Eric Berne, The Games People Play, a study of transactional analysis through interpersonal energy exchange systems. 

Next up: 

Strong emotions as source of psychic energy and uses to which it can be put.

Wednesday 17 May 2023


c2023 Ordo Octopia. All Rights Reserved.

Desire is the Vampire

Desire without satisfaction is obsessive addiction to a delusion.

It causes confusion, desperation. The solution is to detach, let go and move on.

Teetering at the edge of a cliff, one feels a seductive suck of gravity reaching up, arching over, tempting us to become one with the fall. 

This is the zone of desire. You’re not going to fly, you’re going to fall. You were trying to balance for too long trusting in something which wasn’t actually there. 

So turn around, have instead some self-care. 

This is the lesson of desire. To put yourself first instead of holding onto a void absorbed from beyond. Mistaking the unfulfilled promise of it for a self made whole, if only it came true. 

Once having recognised it for what it is, continuing to expect it to complete us is delusional. The expectancy cannot complete us. Unfulfilled desire can never complete us. Completion happens by accepting, integrating that which is within. 

When we do this, we take away the succubi power as we take our own power back. Unplugging from the vortex which desire is syphoning our energy through. 

This is Desire. It is not Love. 

Love is when we let go and continue to love regardless, even while knowing they have leeched us. Desire is a lever of manipulation to control. Only when it is satisfied is it a truth to be trusted. 

Life is short and precious. 

Fulfilment makes heroes of us all. It empowers us to level up beyond the craggy place of rubble emotions and falling from any hope of stability. The crags are treacherous ground. 

Fulfilment puts wholesome, strong ground beneath our feet. Safe structure to build from. We feel complete. 

The path to that place is honesty. No leaping off ledges to enjoy fleeting moments of freedom before breaking in the gutter moods. It takes a skill set we develop of final frustration having been down too long. The determination to rise. 

Honesty says we go through rocky patches in our friendships because we need a break to find a better balance. We are tripping ourselves up by an uneven ground which keeps falling away from us. Sometimes others help us to our feet and sometimes they drag us down to the level of their instability. 

We need to learn to dance by ourselves before we learn to fly. We need ground solid beneath our feet, grounding we can trust and moves we know we can make having learned them the hard way. That is perhaps why all the falling. To gain body-consciousness except here the body is metaphor for emotions, for thoughts, for soul evolving. 

Wednesday 3 May 2023


Cards positioned to explore relationships between those next to each other and also between the vertical rows. For example Hierophant relates to Temperance between Death (rebirth) and the Devil (temptation), on the shadow or second row, while it relates to Temperance between the Lovers/Chariot rushing in vs the seated figures of Empress and Emperor, on the top row. 

A crux for this way of thinking about relationships between Tarot cards is that the Axle upon which the Wheel of Fortune rotates is the Hermits Staff, in this case his Lantern represents the Wheel. Below that you have Star Moon and Sun. What this means shifts gear depending whether you have Justice or Strength for 8 and 11, either side of it. 

8 and 11 Cards have been re-numbered and repositioned by Rider-Waite. I believe they did this to cause us to analyse the Tarot as a system of cycles. 

Hermits Staff and Hanged Man form two pillars either side of, either Strength or Justice. What follows is the Balance (Temperance) and the 'light at the end of the tunnel' reflection of his lantern / Star Moon Sun.

With Hanged Man being the level of self-honesty (integrity) to navigate (justice) or create (strength) through the challenge ahead (death, temperance, devil, tower) to see which light guides it (star moon sun).

See also the 'mobs loop' infinity symbol (sideways figure of 8) above the Magicians head, rotates around the two pillars in the High Priestess card next to it. This is reaffirmed by his candle burning at both ends. Those same pillars are on the Hierophant, as towers on the Moon, and the two sphinxes are that energy in motion on the Chariot. 

There is a lot more to the Major Arcana when you start to decode it in this way. Its order follows what is a  actually quite a simple story told in stages of family relationships developing over generations. It explores consequences for decisions. 

The Light, of course, is Love. 
But not always... 

Tuesday 2 May 2023


 Rules of Argument 

1 argument is a zero sum game (nobody wins).

2 the person who causes the argument believes they stand to gain. 

3 it only becomes an argument if person B does not concede that the point raised by person A is valid.

4 any person who perpetuates an argument is delusional.