Changing Life

Changing Life

Taisha Abelar / Carlos Casteneda 

The Sorcerers Crossing, A Woman's Journey by Taisha Abelar 

Daily life is how a person perceives the world. But can everyone change their daily routine, achieve what they need to control the course of events to help them fulfil their own destiny? Absolutely yes. Using the practise of changing every day life. The practise of hanging every day life is the safest, most profound and incredibly effective practice. 

Now we will look at how it works and how it should be performed. The practice of changing every day events was described by the woman warrior Taisha Abelar. Taisha Abelar was a student of the famous mysterious writer of the 20th century which is Carlos Castaneda. Castañeda wrote in his books about the ancient mysterious knowledge of the Indians of Mesoamerica. He called this knowledge Nagualism. Nagualism teaches that a person is connected to the world only physically but also energetically and also that behind every person there is an inexplicable and immortal force which the followers of Nagualism call spirit. Followers of Nagualism insist that the life objectives of each person is a develop within oneself the spirit which must be heard and improved. 

The practise of changing every day life itself consists of three stages. 


Expressing out loud the decison to change something. 

Acting clearly and consciously. 

Developing a sense of complete impartiality.  

But what do these stages mean? 

The fact is that Taisha Abelar only briefly mentioned the practise of change in her book The Sorcerers Crossing, A Woman's Journey. therefore in order to reveal the working principle of the practise of changing everyday life it is necessary to go beyond the scope of this book and resort to the help of both the philosophy of the West and the secret knowledge of the East. 

So let's begin to analyse the very practise of changing everyday life. 

First stage. 

The first stage in the practice of changing of your everyday life is to be able to verbalise your decision to change something. When we use the words 'to be able' we were not mistaken/. Saying about your decision to change something is far from sufficient to attract changes into your own life. First, a person must learn to interact with the Force. The Force is a mysterious energy which emanates from the spirit of man and at the same time permeates the whole world. Tasha Abelar in her book states that changes come to a persons life only with the Force. 

The teaching of Nagualism to which Abelar belongs teaches that since the Human spirit is in an unawakened state there is a constant lack of Force in ones life. At the same time from Abelars book it becomes clear that in order to change a person needs to be able to attract the Force into ones life. Followers of Nagualism or Magicians as they call themselves teach to attract the Force by concluding an agreement with it. An agreement with the Force allows a person to fill every day with meaning, inspiration and courage. Moreover this practise allows to affirm in ones life those changes that were pronounced out loud by the person. Carlos Casteneda himself warned in his lectures that the Force can take over a persons life and instead of an Ally turn into the ruler of the life of the one who called upon it. This happens if a person instead of wanting to serve the Force and the changes that it brought called on the Force in order to use it for ones own selfish purposes. 

To avoid this Casteneda explains that a person must at the time of the agreement with the Force and the announcement of the desired changes express the right intention which should be aimed at improving not only ones life but also the lives of other people. 

True intention is a desire expressed by a persons spirit itself and not by ones personality. Force should not be used to accomplish personal petty goals and changes that concern only the good of the individual. Force can help you if you can help others. Nagualism claims that the use of the Force solely for personal gain is the essence of black magic. Black magic is a dead end for the warrior and magician-seer since it destroys the spirit of the warrior. A warrior like Taisha Abelar and Carlos Casteneda rejects black magic serves Humanity and thanks to this gains true freedom, strengthening, exalting and revealing ones own immortal spirit. A Warrior-Seer practices magic to help people, not to use them. By concluding an agreement with the Force you will attract changes in life that you have announced out loud. 

Second stage. 

The second stage of the technique for changing every day life is the ability to clearly understand and do everything that leads to the changes you have declared out loud. In the ordinary sense we could say that this stage of practice means that a person must follow a plan to accomplish what one has planned. But this is not enough. In the process of contracting with the force a person must use awareness. Awareness is a deep process of Attention that occurs constantly no matter what a person does. Awareness is cultivated by a person thanks to another magical practice which was revealed by Casteneda at one of his closed seminars and was called by him Magical Attention. 

The practice of Magical Attention or Awareness has three parts. 

The first part is paying attention to your condition. To begin to realise your condition always listen and be attentive to your feelings and the disposition of your spirit. To do this you need to be able to understand what you feel and experience here and now at the level of the body, emotions, and at the level of the mind. 

The second part of magical attention is awareness of action. To stick to your plan to achieve change you must be constantly aware of what you are doing and how you're doing things at the moment. What does it mean? There are clear criteria for awareness of action. Awareness at the body level is expressed as readiness for action. At the level of mental emotional state as calmness mixed with quiet, deep joy. And finally, the mental state should be a state of open flow, in which your thought is drawn as if from the depths of your essence and memory. Simply free and clear.

The third part of magical attention is awareness of listening. Casteneda said that a person is bad at listening to others. One is even worse at listening to oneself. During awareness you need to strive not only to listen but also to hear the world around you and yourself. This requires a reserve of energy and tremendous attentiveness. In this state you begin to notice what was previously hidden from you by the noise of your own thoughts. What prevents us from hearing is not poor hearing but inattention to what is happening. An internal exhaustion caused by a lack of understanding of the purpose in life. The world and your spirit are constantly interacting with you. World interacts through sound and signals in nature. Spirit interacts through intuition. Nature, world and spirit have the power to inspire. Inspiration is a sign that you are being aware of listening.

Third stage.

The third stage of the practice of changing every day life is the most difficult stage which implies that the practice of change itself should be honed by you not over the course of several months or even years but throughout your entire life. The third stage is based on a feeling of complete impartiality to the results of your activities. 

What does this mean and why is this so? 

Taisha Abelar and Carlos Casteneda said in their lectures and books that every person has two minds. The first is the true mind which gives a person life. This is the mind of the spirit. The second mind of a person is a kind of superstructure over the first mind and is acquired by a person during one's life. This is the false mind or what we used to call Ego. Magicians and Warriors call it the mind of a predator. For Magicians and Warriors one of the most important stages in unlocking ones own inner potential is the process of getting rid of the predators mind and returning to the mind of the Spirit. The magical egg as understood by the Sorcerers of Nagualism is the act of pure interaction with the world through the mind of the spirit, bypassing the selfish tendencies of the predatory mind in man. 

In his book The Active Side of Infinity, Carlos Casteneda mentions the words of his teacher, an Indian named Don Juan. "He had said that everything I did had to be an act of sorcery. An act free from encroaching expectation, fears of failure, hopes of success. Free from 'the cult of me'. Everything I did had to be impromptu, a work of magic where I freely open myself to the impulses of the infinite. 'The cult of the me' that Don Juan said to Casteneda is a manifestation of the predatory mind. 

One of the manifestations of the embedded predatory mind in a person is a sense of self-importance which Carlos Casteneda and Taisha Abelar constantly mention in their books. A sense of self importance makes a person become attached to the results of one's activities and completely depend on this result. 

This does not mean that you should be irresponsible in what you do and not plan your action. Acting without expecting a result means doing the best you can, where you are, with what you have, while trusting the world and being in the mind of spirit. 

But how is the mind of the spirit achieved? 

And how can one get rid of the mind of the predator?

Don Juan said that the discipline of the Warrior frightens predators. By discipline Don Juan did not mean exhaustion of oneself physically or mentally but the ability to steadfastly accept all trials on ones own path.

The word discipline is derived from the Latin word disciplina which is translated as teaching or training. It is training that allows a person to look at the world more fully and go beyond the mind of a predator, developing insight and horizon. The learning process is provoked by the Human spirit because the spirit is an eternally cognizing essence which according to Eastern philosophies accumulates experience, moving from incarnation to incarnation in the physical body. 

Training or discipline is not a physical skill but a spiritual one. The more the spiritual principle or the mind of the spirit is manifested in a person, the more inclined a person is to learning, creating and deeply analysing what is happening. 

To develop discipline a person must prepare and develop one's character. In one of his books the 20th Century philosopher and mystic, Manly P Hall describes seven character qualities that prepare a student for learning and eliminate the dictates of the animal nature in a person or in other words the predatory mind which blocks the process of cognition.


Integrity according to Hall is an irresistible inner urge to do only what is wise, noble and beautiful. In a general sense integrity is the alignment of your life with you in your drives. 

How to Develop.

Reveal the nobility of your soul through creative work, culture and creativity. Introduce these qualities into your life, everywhere and always. 


Discernment will allow you to discern the essence of things in accordance with the development of the nobility of your character and also to choose only what corresponds to the beauty and sublimity of your noble aspirations.

How to develop.

Be courageous so as not to be afraid to follow your inner convictions and honest so as to accept responsibility for everything that happens to you in your life.


Diligence is the ability to work purposefully, meticulously, patiently and sincerely towards your goal. At the same time diligence also presupposes the ability to take a break from work. Rest has nothing to do with laziness. Laziness is an indicator of false priorities and lack of understanding of what is happening. 

How to develop. 

Learn to direct physical and mental impulses to work and creativity. 


Patience is defined by Hall as the energy of the soul. The more developed your character, the nobler the impulses of your soul, the more energy and Force you have to progressively act for the sake of your plans. Patience allows you to calm your burning feelings, concentrating on the sublimity and truth of your goal. 

How to develop. 

Always act progressively, from smaller to larger, from simple to more complex, from a small goal to a large one.


This quality involves avoiding extremes in any matter, be it physical activity or your beliefs. Moderation allows you not to waste yourself by avoiding extremes and to use your spiritual strength where it is needed most. 

How to develop.

Avoid intemperance, both in relation to your body and in relation to emotions; such as anger, malice, envy and hatred. 


Detachment frees you from the sense of possessiveness that often makes a person a slave to circumstances or things. Detachment is the ability to work for a high goal, sacrificing what is temporary and not important.

How to develop.

Learn to enjoy the process of work. This is best done when a person consciously and voluntarily works for the benefit of others. 


Relaxation involves a good natured attitude towards both yourself and others. Taking things too seriously creates tension. When you are in tension you become exhausted. 

How to develop.

Learn to laugh, not at the world but with the world. Use a healthy sense of humour. 

The practice of changing everyday life described by Taisha Abelar has truly enormous potential and can attract the Force into your life. The Force comes with changes but in order to master the practice of changing everyday life, a person needs to enter into an agreement with the Force, engage in awareness, show the right intention, study and constantly improve one's character. 

A prepared character is fertile ground for the fruits of learning or spiritual achievement in your personality. It is these fruits and achievements that are the most important and necessary changes in one's life. For it is through them that a person improves ones spirit and gains freedom, getting rid of the mind of a predator.

Copyrighted material. All Rights Reserved. 

Shared with Accreditation, within international fair use policy, for educational purposes. 

With gratitude and respect. 

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