The Alchemy of Energy
This blog is part of an ongoing series exploring ‘The Base Chakra is associated with Sex and Anger.’ Tantric teachings.
There is a gray area* surrounding passion.
If you were to allow a man to passionately penetrate you, it is different to if you do not allow a man to do that and he does it anyway because he is ‘overwhelmed with passion’.
One is sexual assault, one is mutual desire. Who has the power?
Power dynamics in a relationship is one thing. The consequence of sexual experiences in mental and emotional terms is another.
In tantra is the exploration of sexual energy in terms of harmony.
All energy wants to balance.
It’s like water seeking a level.
Yang energy is dominating, controlling, assertive. It’s passionate.
For men who are unable to control their yang or who allow it to consume them, sexually, the culture has a messed up attitude toward that with not much useful guidance.
When a woman allows herself to become Yin, yielding, to open up to sharing in that surge of male yang as it overwhelms them both, all her blocks, inhibitions and conformities are down. She is overpowered.
It’s like water. She is Yin, is the water, he is the fire, the Yang.
Female yin and female yang are different to male yin and male yang.
It’s not as simple as black and white.
What we deal with in contemporary western democratic culture is hordes of angry women who are mentally targeted against men because female yang wants to dominate over male yang. We have a lot of feminised men, male yin.
The thing women hate most is weak, yin, passive males. Also;
The thing feminists hate most is unbridled and confident male yang. It is as true and natural a source of power as is female yin which is the most gentle and healing energy we have and the counterpart to it.
When yang and yang clash, it is problematic. When female yang and male yang clash, it is problematic.
Karma is created because the energies cannot find their own natural place and accept it (acceptance is a yin quality). Yang where Yin should be.
Dharma is when everything is in its right place.
Karma is when everything seeks its right place.
We can learn to see the imbalances inside of people in these terms, their personal yin and Yang is imbalanced and that imbalance affects their relationships.
Culture dictates we deal with this not compassionately by understanding it for what it is but by repression and punishment.
Women encouraged by feminism to reject being yin and to embrace their yang. It sets us against the natural harmony. That’s why people are so unhappy living that way. It causes trauma and destroys people, families, communities, culture.
To put things back in their right place?
The nature of these elements.
Yang has to beat yang by dominating it with such finality it reroutes by becoming yin. Power struggles all exist in this clash of yang.
Yin has to beat yang by soothing it.
Yin merges with yin to become the same thing.
Yang is not best described as fire because it is solid, it is earth or metal. Molten lava or molten ore.
I believe this is why the ancient Chinese have five elements in their system, not the four found in classical western Hermeticism. It is because of the oriental understanding of yang. It’s much better than western thought.
The alchemy of energy.
So what this means for passion and anger?
To assert my Yang into your energy system to override your Yang.
Or to use your Yang to override mine.
Angry people have imbalanced (excessive) Yang.
We are conduits for these energies. They flow through us. We are learning how to tone them, how to harness and control them. It’s what tantra is. A discipline of study of how to utilise energies which flow through us instead of them overpowering us. We are slaves to energies we cannot control, which impacts our behaviour, emotions, minds, relationships, communities.
How to fix excess yang?
With yin. (Soothing, slowly).
With Yang. (Might makes right)
The friction between the yin and Yang generates a tone, an electrical current. It is magnetic, it is like a soundwave and it is like a grid which stretches out like a blanket. It’s magnetic so it is our interface with the external universe when we are manifesting experiences.
This is what we are even after we leave the body behind. Except that the lower chakras are connections to physical spectrum of reality. When we die and let go of that connection we use the other chakras more, to do that work. It’s why all our focus should be on empowering the higher chakras.
This is Spiritual Egyptology, remnants and developments of this are found in cultures all over the world. India!
When someone’s yang gets excessive other people either accept them as a superior (the yin reaction) or fight them to bash them down and put them in their place (the yang reaction).
It’s how friction works. Electromagnetic friction.
I am describing the qualities of Yang as assertive, dominating, controlling, aggressive.
I am describing the qualities of Yin as yielding, submissive, gentle and soothing, passive.
We assign gender to the qualities. Sometimes that’s useful, sometimes it’s wrong.
We all have both Yin and Yang.
Where these energies converge we generate friction which is tonal and radiates.
The basic model is they should converge at the heart. The next basic model is the streams converge at each chakra. We call this ‘alignments’.
It’s tonal.
When two people both individually balanced channelling their yang through their yin and their yin through their yang in harmony, converge together, it is a powerful force for creating harmony.
It has to do with qualities of yang.
Yang and Yin energy is not simply black and white.
We measure electricity and water in the same way: by volume (amount of it) and by speed of its movement.
I thought a lot about how this relates to Yin and Yang.
One balances the other.
One flows through the other.
In the sushumna (kundalini flow)
One is the speed and one is the volume.
Yin and Yang are a measurement of how that energy flows through us. It is stabilised when we do an Ohm to harmonise us with the Galactic tonal harmony.
When we get two people combining their Yin and Yang we swap over and merge their streams. Their vibrations harmonise.
* 50 shades of Grey, clever title, even if the book is criticised it did open the doors to a cultural evolution as bdsm went mainstream, it’s aimed at lowest common denominator for success.
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