Sunday 16 June 2024

A Prayer To Lakshmi

A Prayer To Lakshmi 

They want us to stay in an era 

They understand and can control

They do not recognise how far the free society 

Has moved beyond their era

They do not recognise the liberation movement 

Began generations ago 

And has already achieved its goals 

At a certain time it was imperative 

A certain stance was made

To redress an imbalance 

Inherited from a period 

Where the imbalance had been necessary 

They hate to raise awareness 

That it had previously been necessary

Their agenda is to rebrand it as an evil

So they can continue to fight against it 

This creates a problem for us living now today

For the imbalance was redressed 

By repressing the dominant in favour of the subservient

Intending to create a level playing field

With no dominating side 

So the see-saw sways 

This was already achieved generations ago

Decades before our time

They are still reciting the same stale old rhetoric

Which to the youth appears as new information

They naively, unquestioningly follow and enact 

Their moral anger directed 

To target the group now discriminated against 

What they do not see

They have become the new oppressor

The new tyrant 

Whose time has already come 

The balance was achieved

Before our lifetime 

It went retrograde

The subservient has become the oppressor

They have become the thing they hated

They have become the thing they fought against 

This has taught us

The issue is not and perhaps never was 

A battle between opposing genders

Even the language of that is cult mentality 

The balance is the harmony between complimentary genders 

This proves the point 

The fight is against 


The current oppressor is females

Believing they must do this

It is imperative

To smash the patriarchy

The Patriarchy is not of the male gender

The Patriarchy is not about gender at all 

The issue is about Oppression 

Why are males being defined as oppressors

Who it is righteous to smash? 

This is the oppression 

This is why male suicide rate is so high 

The issue is depopulation agenda

Which has manipulated the feminism agenda 

Even long after females attained equality 

In the western civilisation 

This is the problem of our times

To divide and control 

By playing on primal fears and hate

By targeting a demographic 

Which happens to be the very same demographic

Who historically have been the Protectors 

The Builders, those who stabilise for all of us

Those who fight oppression 

Now, when a minority of females are the Oppressors

Any man who targets them as the enemy of Harmony

Is re-branded as an oppressor 

And is silenced

How convenient for the Cult of Death

Which manipulates vulnerable women 

Into believing they can be stronger

If they become the very thing

They are taught to fight against and to hate

When a woman recognises this

She is reviled with herself 

She is reviled by her brainwashed sisters

Fulfilling the creed of nasty

She has been indoctrinated to blame men for this 

It is a very cunning act of war crime 

Against Humanity and against Harmony 

There is a thing we can do about it

To achieve genuine success

Which is the teachings of Lakshmi

That feminine quality of peace 

This is the most powerful energy we have

For building harmony 

Healing wounds of both men and women 

Healing communities

This is her time

This is her prayer 

This is the answer

“The divine feminine 

is divine because she is feminine, 

not because is fe-male.”

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