This blog contains photoshop montages using bits of illustrations made by other people as well as my own scans from nature. Wherever possible the original artist has been accredited. In no way do I intend copyright infringement. There is a tradition within Japanese print whereby multiple artists may work on a piece and add to it their mark, sometimes a generation after the original artist had set it aside. All art is progressive.
As a forest is worth more than the sum of all its trees, so the whole contains greater than its component parts. Refer to issue of Monsanto Corporation statement on public record; “in future if you want to eat you will have to buy our products”; patenting genes as major contemporary ethical debate. Monsanto products are banned throughout Europe because they contaminate organic food crops with their patented genetically modified genome that kills rats in independent lab tests and probably does the same to you if you eat it too.
There are several elements to this blog. They interrelate.

As a forest is worth more than the sum of all its trees, so the whole contains greater than its component parts. Refer to issue of Monsanto Corporation statement on public record; “in future if you want to eat you will have to buy our products”; patenting genes as major contemporary ethical debate. Monsanto products are banned throughout Europe because they contaminate organic food crops with their patented genetically modified genome that kills rats in independent lab tests and probably does the same to you if you eat it too.
There are several elements to this blog. They interrelate.
A Taoist medicine journey, following the Way; instinct, which took me to and through a patch of common land overgrown by a mixture of indigenous and invasive plant species.
虎杖, イタドリ itadori
"The kanji expression is from the Chinese Hǔzhàng 虎杖 meaning "tiger staff", but as to the Japanese appellation, one straightforward interpretation is that it comes from "remove pain" (alluding to its painkilling use)."
First introduced into the UK in the early 19th century for the Royal Botanical Gardens exhibition, it has since spread all over the country.
"It is listed by the World Conservation Union as one of the world's 100 worst invasive species. The invasive root system and strong growth can damage concrete
foundations, buildings, flood defences, roads, paving, retaining walls
and architectural sites. It can also reduce the capacity of channels in
flood defences to carry water."
"In the UK, it is an offence under section 14(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to "plant or otherwise cause to grow in the wild"
any plant listed in Schedule nine, Part II to the Act, which includes
Japanese knotweed. By 2010 over £150m was spent annually on Japanese
knotweed control, and a decision was taken on 9 March 2010 in the UK to release into the wild a Japanese psyllid insect, Aphalara itadori."
block quotes from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_knotweed
Several years ago I began my own study with japanese knotweed.
The plant has a strong spirit, a powerful presence that is easy to attune to.
Sitting amidst a patch of it meditating is one of the most chilled out experiences available in UK. There is a quality in the green, vitality.
Reading it shamanically, symbolically; arrow-heart shaped leafs suggest it to be tonic for the blood system. I removed non-propogating elements from the plant (leaf and stem) and boiled them like rhubarb before ingesting. It tastes mildly bitter and had no apparent effect on me.
The plant has a strong spirit, a powerful presence that is easy to attune to.
Sitting amidst a patch of it meditating is one of the most chilled out experiences available in UK. There is a quality in the green, vitality.
Reading it shamanically, symbolically; arrow-heart shaped leafs suggest it to be tonic for the blood system. I removed non-propogating elements from the plant (leaf and stem) and boiled them like rhubarb before ingesting. It tastes mildly bitter and had no apparent effect on me.
My internet research revealed that 'tiger staff' soaks up radiation. I assume this to mean both electronic radiation and nuclear contamination. I don't know if eating it makes you immune or increases the amount of radiation in your system. A year after Fukishima, the worlds worst nuclear accident so far, this is all beginning to connect up and make sense; nature is holistic and there is a reason this plant is here. For several decades Wales has the worlds highest number of cancer incidents, presumably due to fallout from American nuclear testing crossing the Atlantic on the top-winds.
The third element of this blog is information from Nexus magazine
Vol20 no4 June-July 2013, which arrived the very same day, and relates.

I had been working hard for several days without a break.I needed to get out of the house and detach my brain from computer and associated electromagnetic smog.
Feeling fried from too much disruption by unwanted attention of neighbours and radiation from machines, I desperately needed to recharge.
A lesson to be applied as the fourth element of this blog, the project at hand, namely art and music for forthcoming storyteller game entitled tRust for Ordo Octopia Ltd, see their website for more information at www.globalcreole.co.uk
I assembled the following experimental montage illustrations as focus-prep for what the jungle ravines amidst fragmented urban layers of tEra, the world of tRust, might look like. On tEra there is a phrase intended to work on several levels of meaning;
“life in the cracks”
The landscape of tEra is a giant orgonite honeycomb hive where miles high of expanding-foam
sprayon orgonite; resin walls containing crystalline particles that operate as a computer
matrix, a web of light-refractive touch-op holocom, operates as solar panel and global communications database; has fractured due to the unexpected event of the world swelling up in a series of earthquakes lasting
several weeks.
Organic plant life exists in the jungle canyons formed by the
fragmentation of the hive. Long slender green columns amidst a cyber darkness of the
urban wilderness reminds me of a sword called Jade Dragon in the film Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It requires a master to wield this blade. In today's modern world it hangs in a museum.
manga from: A Dream In Garden by Xia Da www.summerzoo.com
print from: charity shop, lucky find, signature illegible.
lettering from: googletranslate ("dream now garden butterfly change").
lettering from: googletranslate ("dream now garden butterfly change").
upper manga comic strip (extract) from: Cat's Paw by Damian Slater
manga sword from: CrouchingTiger HiddenDragon 4 by Wang Du Lu and Andy Seto
lower manga comic strip (extract) from: Last Shadows Cast by Casper Wijngaard
sword colour adapted screenshot from: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon movie
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