Thursday 1 November 2018

The Divide

The Divide

She gets it off her chest.
She bitches about him to all her friends and asks their advice.

He’s not in a relationship with her.
He’s in a relationship with a hive system.
The public terminology describes it as her support network.

The practicality, once we strip it of biased meanings to describe the situation within context of agenda based paradigms, is;
She’s striving to balance between opinions of those who affect her.
He’s having to adapt to all that.

The whoever’s of her community and their issues, objectives, attitudes, agenda’s, beliefs and prejudice, has become a system of leverage affecting both him and the entity of their private relationship, something personal between them as a couple which should exclude everyone else. His argument is that it is not a private relationship, if she’s in tangled with a lot of other people who are affecting it.

He would prefer that if she has any problems, she faced him directly about them so they can work through it together. This should not involve other people who will only distract them from personal intuition necessary to find sustainable harmony.

What she is doing by talking with people who don’t know him, about it, is creating a situation where he does not even know there is a problem, but their relationship is being affected by her attitude changing to conform to however her friends are telling her to behave.

He sees only that other people, outsiders, are playing games, controlling the harmony he is trying to build and which they should both be trying to build together, to the exclusion of external forces. Their energy is dissipating outward to serve a multitude instead of being retained and empowered for them both to thrive. It dooms the relationship which requires sufficient energy to be sustainable.

Thus, he has no authority within their relationship although strangers do.
Its stability is destabilized. Through no fault of his own. So he reconciles; she is unstable.

Her friends will collectively protect themselves by saying he is the element which has destabilized her. She has to weigh between her community and support network, versus her relationship. He does not identify this as monogamy because she is playing and being played by multiple games which he has become entangled because of her.

Society purposefuly-mistakenly regards his opinion about this as “his being dominating and controlling in the relationship.” The label causes her anxiety and she retreats from him, from the relationship, because it is a tag used by the social agenda of causing division and fear instead of healing and harmony. It creates targets for discrimination out of people who are supportive of their relationship partner.

We live in a community where it is more acceptable to sacrifice the relationship than it is to sacrifice the so-called support network, even when it can be identified that they are not being supportive but are playing control games; which is an abuse, from which he is trying to protect her from in society. Society protects its rights to play such control games under the guise of describing it as being supportive.

Most of this is understated to such extent people cannot recognise it as the underlaying dynamic of relationship break-ups. Where he is able to highlight that these are the dynamics and the leverage in play, he is accused of being a complete bastard by everybody who, are intentionally or not (manipulator or zombie), exploiting those levers. They are shaken up by it so they defend themselves and point out that he is now destabilizing their network.

Although not his primary intention, he is by consequence destabilizing it because it is a network built on the accepting of an inhumane condition which he does not accept to be righteous behaviour. Such condition is subversive and covert but no less frightening or abusive than are overt prejudices of racism, sexism, etc. To be party to abusive systems is to be a party to an abuse network. Many people do not recognize this to be a wrong, the same way nobody questioned slavery when it was deemed ‘normal’.

Her support network will protect her from the abusive man by discouraging her from having anything more to do with him. The man is now widely known as being abusive and destabilizing of people, which is the exact opposite of everything he has set out to do, how he has acted and what he believes in.

The above scenario outlines normal life for most men in our communities.

The period during which the couple get together and officially separate, is generally termed ‘the relationship’. These incidents are the tests and trials which relationships go through. “Us against the World” / “Society is not your friend.”

The safe-space between couples only exists when both partners are actively protecting it from and against other people’s opinions and interference. Women who behave that way (as described above), are known amongst men who have experienced this dynamic as being users; are identified as being both abused and abusers.

The so-called friendship network usually do not actually know the guy in question. Some of them may have met him on one on several occasions. Their opinion is prejudiced by the position she puts herself in, of being on one hand uncertain and on the other, attempting to be the compromise between everybody else around her. She positions herself in the centre of her universe, for maximum leverage and attention gain.

This is in contrast with putting an intimate relationship in the centre of a universe, as both partners must do for that relationship to survive. Relationships are about working together, or they are about exploitation. This is true of couples and this is true of social networks, communities.

The most disposable factor here is the penis which she puts into the centre of her root chakra, into her body, and it’s associated electromagnetic system for which we are designed to couple-up and combine; for personal balance and for spiritual evolution.

Feminism encourages women that “strong women” are those who can survive independently of intimate relationships with males. Our biologies are designed such we need that. Humanism is about seeing beyond segregational agenda’s, achieving personal empowerment through natural union. Strong People are those who tell their fake friends to fuck off for splitting up their supportive relationships.

“I have accepted this person as the other part of me, my balance, and it works and it makes us both stronger.” 

Divided, we become embroiled in and exploited by covert energy exploitation games. ‘Abuse disguised as support’ relies on brainwashing people into believing natural balance is abuse, into believing that dedicating energy to achieving natural balance is being weak.

You can not harmonise as an equal with someone who seeks only to exploit you and make you feel lucky for it; you can only serve them and their exploitation agendas. Often, people do not know they are agents of those agendas because they conform to political correctness instead of to reality. Do not serve people who seek only to exploit you.

"A very common aspect of psychological abuse and manipulation is for the abuser to claim that the victim is being abusive towards them ... the abusers “victim complex” and “gaslighting” ..." Nicholas Clare


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