Tuesday 13 April 2021

Reason vs Unreason

 Can not use reason with unreasonable people. 

There are five options available when dealing with Unreasonable people:

Beg, Bribe, Barter, Dominate, Avoid. 

To Beg with an unreasonable person is to put them above yourself which only an unreasonable person would do. So it is not an option. 

To Bribe them possibly achieves the desired result although it is not a desirable method. 

To Barter is to engage in a systemised strategy of mutual exchange, which is desirable. 

However, it is probable any unreasonable person will also be unreasonable during Bartering. 

To Dominate remains the final strategy to deal with any unreasonable person. 

Unreasonable people must be put beneath Reasonable people in the social order. 

Unreasonable are not equal to Reasonable people. 

Unreasonable people are disruptive and delusional as opposed to harmonious and sensible. 

This justifies use of Domination to establish stability, harmony and a functional society. 

Avoid them altogether. This is not always possible. Minimising contact is preferable. This is not an option for those circumstances where avoidance is impossible. 

If ever anybody can imagine a more positive method, everybody would be very pleased to consider it. 

The hard-line no-nonsense strategy for success is to avoid unreasonable people and dominate them if that is not possible. 

Domination must be absolute if it is to succeed. 

It is recognisably unreasonable to leave a job half done and allow chance for unreasonable people to continue to be problematic. 

As we can not use reasons with unreasonable people other methods must be explored. 

A person can only integrate and learn if the lesson is given in a language they understand. 

Where a person does not understand Reason a more appropriate language must be used: if the last resort of baseline brutality is the only language they understand, that unfortunately is the language which must be used to teach the lesson. 

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