Wednesday 8 May 2024

Walk On By

Female psychology. 

Walking the dog a hot redhead walked past me. Our eyes avoided each other momentarily and then our gaze caught. We both smiled. 

I watched that she looked at my shoes to find out how much money I have and how I live, looked at my crotch, looked back at my eyes, smirked and we did the walk-on-by. 

What I observed is the outline shape of her figure to find out how healthy she is, her hair although it looks amazing and came out of a bottle, she has exactly the style of eyeliner that turns me on more than any other. Most importantly, her eyes.  Her eyes have a bisexual softness and smouldering of a quiet inner flame. They say she’s mischievous but not criminal. The confidence in how she was walks reveals she’s got a small support network with a range of people of all ages. She carried a strap bag in her hands which means she’s not used to walking long distances and has primarily adapted to town life. 

In this assessment I know who she is. 

When encountering anybody new, from that moment on any further interactions or information about a person is not who they are but rather who we are together. Who we present ourselves to be to the other person to give the other person whatever kind of energy to work with. Inevitably that involves games of confusions despite the human need for authenticity and the desire for authenticity by those who are not exploitive of other people. 

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