Sunday 15 October 2023




A short story by Joe Russell

c2023 Ordo Octopia. All Rights Reserved. 

Dedicated to children of the light. 

It was not myself who was given the scene to experience.

It was not myself who was given the scene to experience firsthand, the way linear three dimensional causality and consequence is generally considered to work. 

I had to experience the scene by remote. 

I was sleeping at the time which liberated my awareness to function as a spirit. As such, my Attention bound by electromagnetic laws of the higher dimensions, I was sent to observe.

The fundamental harmony of a person involved in generating a new thing into the Creation attracts resonance. My Attention was to empower the scene that it stands uniquely in time and in space. 

A candle flickers and stills its light. 

I entered the persons body through their nervous system to ride inside their perceptions, invisibly as they were untrained in recognising when being used as a host. This is a spiritual training. 

I lived the experience with them as a friend whose name they did not know gave the young teenager a short story to read in the hour or so their parents attended business in the other room. 

Being a wise child benefitting from the selected of a scholars bookshelf, I read the tome. My presence in the child’s mind influenced this, my nature as an avid reader persuading a teenagers hormonal and easily distracted attention toward the idea of enjoying a story, honing the lifelong life skill of reading. 

The story had been read three times before, by two different people. This was not from my awareness directly. This was from the child’s innate ability to sense such things. Their worldly experience of sensitivity not only to the object but connecting to its energetic imprints, its journey, all that which it contains.

The child’s energy and through it mine is now upon the book as object. Not only this. The story as gate conveys the abilities for those who sensitive to this spectrum of perception interact with existence in a heightened way compared with those blind to it and ignorant of the possibility. 

The child read the book. The child’s attention empowered energy into the world of feelings, cognitive associations, descriptions, flavours, decisions, places people events and flavours, contained within the book. Ingestion is connection. We become that which we eat. That which we eat, eats us. 

He loved her. She loved him. There was no dispute. Others killed one of them. The survivor suffered. 

The survivor dedicated their life to finding once again their lost lover. Through memory, through aspiration study travel and development of skill. The pain of loss a motivating factor. It was not through past or present but through timeless immortal moment of the now, the contact was eventually made. 

The candle flickers and stills. 

Light is cast and shadows calm. 

The path to learn such skills is outside of cognition of those who have no concept nor belief. Within infinity is immortality. All variables are probable. We have scope to access them. As evolution itself evolves we strive to bring them through. 

Our pain is a motivating factor. Without which we would not perfect precision. There can be no mastery without study. Study involves mistakes we learn from. On this world we learn the hard way or we do not learn at all. That is the lesson of this place. We do well to accept it. 

I was within the child as the child read the story and imagined synapses and neurons growing in their mind necessary to enable perceptions of this caliber. To access such realms of perception and connection. 

We are immortal, the lover said, softly and with love healing immediately all of the sorrow and more. Thus we will of course meet again, sooner than you know. For some this is hopeful belief. For those who know this is obvious to the point we know it as a fundament. 

All things are energy, electromagnetic, seeking its harmony. You are my harmony. We will find each other once the distractions of the other work necessary for us to do has been accomplished. We do not measure in time or lifetimes. We measure only by love. Love is our word for the electromagnetic nature of the Creation we are consciously aware of being part of. 

The child absorbed what the words were trying to impart. A deepening understanding of the wisdom began to stir as a feeling of awe and contemplation. 

Eventually the child would forget from where they had become aware of such matters. Life would sweep them up in its teachings. At this moment, still and outside of time, a gate was made. 

A flickering candle stills. 

A steady light becomes a continuity. 


Psychometry, I couldn’t remember the word - everything is embedded with it

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