Wednesday 14 February 2024

AI animation

What we have to remember about peoples use of this technology is their output reflects their visionary ability: therefore if 90% of the people using it are twats their output will be crap anyway. 

Always remember;  “50% of all people are less than average intelligence.” SnakeAppleTree

The 10% using this software more professionally because of their vision and their approach to it will be doing better stuff with it than the average users. 

Of those, 7 out of 10 are egotistical plagiarists and copyists whose focus on making money and fame will drive half of them become relatively famous and wealthy with passably average-good products as time-wasting distractions for the lowest common denominator. 

The remaining 3% of all people will produce stuff worth watching at all because it will be fresh, pioneering, different, quality products with something usefully insightful actually worthy of money and fame. 

Of those, 2/3 won’t have the skill-set to market the stuff. This includes the elite, the very best cutting-edge and pioneering stuff which will takes years to emerge if at all. Humanities true genius is gathering dust in the drawers of the crippling social anxiety disorder demographic. 

The 1% who do produce innovative, quality, commercial success are the ones who are obsessed with their product enough to achieve that. It’s what it takes. Those people do not have any time to compromise with their obsession by allowing distractions to sway them from it. 

So when we see the technology puts the power of creativity into the hands of the masses, the assumption the market will be flooded with new-wave art is a misperception. The social media platforms will be flooded with crap. Any fear it will be an increasingly mercantile marketplace with more voices shouting louder to be heard, this is true but it’s not something to worry about at all for the professional level of the industry. As long as you keep your focus and don’t compromise your intention. 

The people who use this tech to make advanced products worth money which will still be respected in decades from now, and there are hardly any of those people out there. 

Competition is not something to worry about. Quality is worth worrying about: 

“A small amount of quality is better than a whole heap of shit.” SnakeAppleTree

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