Thursday 22 February 2024

Sacred Harmony

There is the sacred and the profane. The profane debases the sacred. 

Our existential structure has at its core a binary system which is not an exact polarity. This is designed to catalyse and generate evolution and development. For the 2D to become the 3D and beyond to higher levels. 

We label these the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine. They are aspects of the same thing. They suport each other. 


What we have observed in feminism is debasement of the sacred feminine so as to empower ‘women’. Increasingly this is a vague term with transexual gender identity, feminisation of males and masculinisation of females. 

Let’s keep this old fashioned and simple. We recognise the confusion is a deviation from the traditional principle of sacred sexuality. A time honoured structure which works to create stability and harmony. 


The profane feminine and the profane masculine compete. They oppose. 

The sacred feminine and the sacred masculine do not compete. They compliment. 



Where the profane attacks and yet expects the target to support them, is imbalance. 

The action is a sign of internal imbalance. Inner conflict is projected outward to affect others. 

The associated illustrative imagery is a tree-cutter climbed halfway up a tree, unable to progress further takes an axe and begins chopping the trunk beneath them. We know the structure will fall to the demise of the tree-cutter. It is not a stable way of being. 

In people, wherever the profane attacks, their target is either impervious or affected. Where affected it either fights, flights, freezes or fawns. It either breaks, remains inert and takes another blow, or avoids further damage by defending or counter-attacking. If impervious deflects the damage. Those are the only consequence available. 


The sacred male and sacred female are two halves of a whole. They require to be in harmony for the whole to sustain itself. 

We can often in relationships measure this in terms of energy, identified as simple happiness verses the debilitation of stress. 

Where there is imbalance they are not working in harmony. 

The core of any functional relationship is respect of the principles that the harmony is sacred. To respect this is sacred. To degrade this is profane. 

This is how we can identify if a persons behaviour is sacred or profane. It is often both at different times. Management of personal and interpersonal energy is imperative for sustaining functional relationships. 


Sacred female and sacred male mutually empowering one another is a harmony to attain foundation to build worlds of wonderful experience from. 

Profanity is dysfunctional. One role of the sacred is to restore the profane to functionality. This must be done on the terms of the sacred principle, not on the terms of the profane. 


What we have with radical feminism is a direct attack on the male to empower the female. 

In terms of energy this is to create an imbalance where one half of the whole overpowers at the cost of the other half of the whole. This creates an imbalance. 

Such a cycle cannot perpetuate indefinitely. It is doomed to collapse. Only a harmony can be sustained indefinitely. The complete circle continues to generate. A distorted circle collapses under its own pressures. 

We can only level up from stability. Growth comes only from harmony. 


The nature of Yin is to yield.

The nature of Yang is to assert. 

Imbalance in modern communities is lack of harmony. 

Emasculated males are unhappy and seek to become Yang, as tradition. 

Masculinised females are unhappy and seek to become Yang, as persuaded by feminist doctrine. 

Men require training to become Yang.

Women require training to become Yin. 

This restores natural balance and harmony. 


Where does LGBT+ fit into this? 

After decades of contemplation I have concluded that it is not up to me to answer that question as I am not actively a member of any LGBT+ community. 

The teachings indicate the answer is to be found in Harmony. We can have harmony with diversity. Variety is nature. 


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